Please enjoy another power-packed snippet from my recent conversation with Mother Malia on her new podcast series: The Gold Standard. Here we explore the proposition that money responds to power: inviting us to update our relationship to money, and to Life.
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We’ve all heard the phrase, “Money is power.” But this particular connection between money + power is a false claim. It is true only on a certain (lower) level. On a higher level, we find that money responds to power. Which is an altogether different thing, in fact. This is what we need to learn to live from now.
“Money responds to power.” What does this mean? It means that Life is constantly delivering whatever we expect will be the case. Our assumptions dictate the experiences we encounter daily, whether we’re aware of it or not.
Let us look at food as one example. Imagine you enjoy Doritos, but believe them to be terribly unhealthy for you, too. This belief will mitigate enjoyment + produce a sense of feeling ill as well.
The sequence is a domino effect of our untested expectations + beliefs. Life gives us exactly what we ask for, every time; we place our “requests” through expectation.
Each of us can consciously reclaim a natural relationship to Life that offers total access to its power. In doing so, we mature beyond the state of observation to become directors of that pure creative power that Life is.
This is what it means to be made in the image of God. It means that we employ the same laws of creation that God does. We are “little gods” in this regard - miniature versions of the whole.
So Life expresses Itself through us all: forming individual experience to match the constellation of ideas each of us is carrying inside.
And we can swap ideas any time. We can trade out those which do not serve us, and update the world we live in - any time.
We have the power to do this. We are totally empowered in this way:
Life gives us what we expect it to in every case.