Crystal Self is a 12-week expedition designed to systematically reveal your Personal Narrative through an innovative synthesis of perspectives including Mystical Numerology, the Hero’s Journey, Animal Totems, Tarot Archetypes, and more.




Crystal Self follows a sequence of 10 modules mapped to a transformative story arc known as the Hero’s Journey. The inward path described by this journey invites an ongoing development of self-awareness, individual capability, personal triumph, and more.

Each module corresponds to a specific phase of growth within the developing story; each phase calls the participant deeper into realization of their own unfolding Story.



The Native American Medicine Wheel provides the fundamental structure of the Crystal Map, inviting participants to explore the Four Directions (North, South, East, and West), the Within Space, and the Beyond (Below + Above).

Each of these “directions” corresponds to a specific position on the Map, providing special context within which each explorer will be invited to discover themselves anew.



Each position on the Crystal Map illuminates a new aspect of the participant’s Personal Blueprint, a highly individualized resource based on a special system of self-understanding known as Mystical Numerology.

This Blueprint identifies personal frequencies that exhibit particular gifts, themes, and qualities related to the individual’s Life Story, Life Work, and ideal Nature.



Each of the 14+ personal frequencies illuminated by the numerological blueprint reveals an Archetype. These Archetypes are derived from a special interpretation of the classical Tarot card deck - in particular the first 22 cards, known as the Major Arcana.

Participants are invited to consider themselves within the unique context of each Archetype, deepening self-understanding + reinforcing personal powers.



Since the beginning of time, animals have served to inform, support, and nourish human potential. They have been our messengers, our muses, our protectors + our friends. Honoring this relationship is an important part of what it means to be a human.

Crystal Self guides each participant to the intuitive discovery of 12+ personal totem animals: ready Teachers + Companions to advance the journey inward (and beyond).



As an added bonus, participants are offered the opportunity to discover those particular stones + crystals that resonate to the specific frequencies of their Personal Blueprint based on a (growing) database of more than 1,000 mineral frequencies.

Mineral Allies simultaneously inform, expand, reinforce, and amplify the particular frequencies of each position on the Personal Blueprint.




Each position on the Crystal Map introduces a new constellation of perspectives. As the frequency + context of each position is illuminated, participants are invited to encounter new lessons, engage new allies, and reactivate inherent powers. This is accomplished using Crystal Contemplation: a practice that expands the sense of self through ritual, research, discussion, and direct application of The Forgotten Sense.