Please enjoy another beautiful excerpt from my recent conversation with Mother Malia on her new podcast series: The Gold Standard. In this short video, we consider our relationship to Nature + the role of our material existence as a physical expression of a spiritual world.

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How do you dance with nature?

Well, the first thing is to notice it. Notice it everywhere. Nature isn’t something we escape to, it is something we’re a part of - something we are made of - what we are. Our own human bodies are perhaps the most incredible examples of this truth. Each of us is a powerful expression of what Nature is. We could not be disconnected - even for a moment - from this dance. We dance with Nature simply by existing. That’s a fact.

It’s helpful to consider Nature as synonymous with Life (or God, or Spirit) - and to recognize ourselves as part of that. What this means is that there is no distance between physical existence + the spiritual world. That which is material is composed of spiritual stuff. That which we can see + interact with is made up of that which is invisible to us. Spirit breathes Itself into the forms that we encounter every day.

We are made of God-stuff, as is every detail of our lives. So how have I learned to dance with nature? I recognize that everything I meet is made of God; every tree + situation, every cloud + conversation is a literal expression of the Universe Itself - including me.

Returning to the temple of my body, I remember that I carry Life + Nature in my bones. Spirit is the breath that fills my lungs, the genius that inspires new ideas, and the miracle I meet in each of you.

We are made of Life, and we express It. Recognizing this is how we dance.

MARCH 2, 2024

Timothy Brainard