The Body Keys is a map of how the body is equipped to manage stress + soften tension in our lives. The Personal Formula is a toolkit that reveals those Patterns, Keys, and Gifts unique to you based on the fundamental wisdom of your body.




Stuckness Patterns are the result of tension locking up the natural flexibility of your life. Tension narrows our vision, limits our capacity, desensitizes feeling, and hardens our defense against the world. It undermines + tightens + depletes us. It removes us from the heart + makes us smaller than we are.

The Body Keys identifies 7 Primary Stuckness Patterns, one or several of which is highlighted in your personal human story. These patterns persist until we learn to listen in to what they've been communicating from the start.

Every Pattern, no matter how devious or distressing its effects, exists to show us something beautiful within. They are our greatest teachers: they can be portals that connect us to the memory of our inherent gifts.

Adjusting our relationship to tension benefits the way we interact with our own bodies + perfects the way we navigate our lives.

Every Stuckness Pattern is a lighthouse + an ally, waiting to reveal a deeper truth. Every Pattern has a name:

  • Compromise

  • Melancholy

  • Criticism

  • Paralysis

  • Overwhelm

  • Discord

  • Isolation

One or several of these patterns guards the Threshold of each epic Human Story.

Are you ready to discover which of them guards yours?




The Body Keys are written into how your body meets the world around it. They are a part of how you’re built to manage stress. Because of this, The Body Keys are entirely self-acting when allowed: they are your body’s natural response to stress + tension.

Each of us has one or several of these Keys contributing to our personal experience. For some, the Keys may even seem familiar once known because the body has made use of them innately for so long.

These Keys have one aim: to soften tension. How they go about that is unique to every story they support. Your Keys will act differently than mine: they will be uniquely suited to your story.

Each Key correlates to a specific Stuckness Pattern. Each Key has a special Sense, a Posture, an Intention, and a Name. I would like to introduce them to you now. The 7 Body Keys are:

  • Privacy

  • Soundscape

  • Privacy + Soundscape

  • Activity

  • Organization

  • Nurture

  • Nature + Nurture

Knowing which of these Keys are the most alive in you can alter how you navigate your life. Meeting your specific Keys allows you to employ them as a tool.

Most of all, your Keys can help remind you of the wisdom that’s been waiting in your body all along.

Knowing which are yours can help relax, expand, and beautify your life.

Do yourself a favor: meet them now.




As you meet your Body Keys + learn how to apply them to relieve that common feeling of personal stuckness, your body will become more + more relaxed; it will return to its natural way of being, which is always an expression of your Giftedness.

As your body relaxes, the impact of your presence becomes increasingly more profound. The essence of your nature, like the fragrant invitation of a flower, beautifies + graces every human heart it ever meets.

It’s important to note that your Gifts need not be discovered or perfected: they arise without your effort when allowed. They are built in to who-you-are, just like the beating of your heart.

The 7 Natural Gifts of Relaxation are:

  • Sovereignty

  • Originality

  • Gentleness

  • Vibrancy

  • Clarity

  • Harmony

  • Connection

Just as tension locks the natural flow of our life’s energy + holds us apart from an authentic expression of our nature, relaxation unlocks the true potential of life’s flow + reconnects us to the ground of our uniquely gifted nature.

When the body, heart, and mind are relaxed + at ease, a whole new version of you begins to rise, as if from a very deep sleep. The real you has the space it needs to stretch its wings.

The purest gifts of your essential nature begin to quietly + effortlessly emerge. You show up for your life in all-new ways.

One or several of these Gifts are written indelibly into your important story.

Are you ready yet to meet them for yourself?




The Body Keys are rooted in sensation: they remind us how to sense + how to feel. Senses bring us back down to the ground of our existence in significant + unexpected ways. By turning our attention to the senses, we allow ourselves to access life directly, without filters, in-the-now. We become more present + engaged.

Because of this, sensation is a doorway that swings open to the memory of now; our lives become dimensioned + more real. The body only senses what is present: we come back to life when we can feel.

This is a fundamental realization, that: through animal sensation we both deepen + enrich our human life. Again we find: the body holds the keys.

The 6 Senses + their Sensors are:

  • Feeling (Nervous System)

  • Feeling-Sight (Left Eye)

  • Sight (Right Eye)

  • Hearing (Ears)

  • Smell (Nose)

  • Touch (Skin)

One or several of these senses is unique to you + your unfolding story. Meeting them illuminates your life. Is this your time?




Elemental Expressions are flavors of engagement. This is an important contributor to the diversity of the TBK System. Every Expression is like a filter or a lens that the story of the Body Keys can move through. It’s the color, tone, or flavor of that filter that determines the expression of each Key.

The Expressions change the way that you apply + interact with your specific Body Keys + Patterns. They will also show the energetic essence of your Gifts. They are rooted in the elements of Nature + their themes.

There are six of these Expressions + your body will display a special tendency toward just one of them based on certain details held in your design.

The 6 Elemental Expressions are:

  • Earth

  • Water

  • Fire

  • Air

  • Ether

  • Spirit

Discovering which of these is most alive within you can change a lot about the way that you relate to your own body + perfect the way you meet your life.

Are you prepared to meet the flavor of your elemental essence at its roots? This is an invitation on behalf of both your body + your life.

Will you accept?




7 Stuckness Patterns. 7 Body Keys. 7 Gifts. 6 Senses. 6 Elemental Expressions. 1 Profile.

The Body Keys Personal Formula is a toolkit + a map. As a map, it shines a light on how your body has been built to manage stress. As a toolkit, it reminds you how to honor the essential resource - and abundant gift! - of your own body.

It’s time to meet + celebrate your body’s hidden wisdom. Are you ready?