I am thrilled to announce the official release of my recent conversation with Mother Malia on her new podcast series: The Gold Standard. I could clearly sense the significance of this discussion when we met to record it back in late-December 2023. Now it is available to share!

CLICK HERE to access the complete episode. Listen on your favorite platform or enjoy the video on YouTube! And don’t forget to Like, Subscribe, and share the love if so inspired!


When we speak of money as power, we are generally referring to a version of power that requires exploitative effort + control. It is not uncommon to equate the acquisition of money to power, because money is often used as a means of enforcing our visions of change. But this isn’t “money as power” so much as an agent of Force.

The problem with this is that Force requires energy in order to make something move - energy which must be gathered (or taken) in order to be put to use. The whole proposition begins from a statement of lack. “I need this energy (that I do not currently have) in order to effect this change (which I believe to be necessary).”

Power is something quite different. True Power is limitless, inexhaustible, self-replenishing, totally available, ours to use. True Power is the natural force of All Life: the substance + the source of all that is. And this same Intelligent Power has offered Itself for our use.

Most of us have never known it, but this is the power we wield: the Infinite Power of Life. It is important to realize that we are not “powerful” so much as Power-full: we are animated by the only Living Power that there is.

This is not a matter of energy acquisition, but of cultivating a relationship with Life that finally allows for its creative Power to unfold in a constructive way.

The fact is that we are not “creators” so much as directors of creative power: we do not create things; we direct the Power that creates.

FEBRUARY 28, 2024

Timothy Brainard