What does it mean to ‘follow the Yes’? Even more importantly: how do we do it?
For most of us, this will not be a new idea. Many of us have been told more times than we can count to “simply follow the Yes.” And yet we struggle to apply it when the concept matters most. Why?
In this video, I propose that there is only one way to resolve this: by developing the skill through daily practice. There are just two steps to this endeavor:
First we must learn how to find + follow that bright feeling of ‘hell yes.’ Then we must retrain ourselves to do so in the ‘ordinary’ moments our lives.
Simple understanding + self-training. That is all it takes to master that which we have struggled to apply.
Every ‘minor’ moment of our lives presents a golden opportunity to learn, to train, to grow. We must make the most of every one.
We distract ourselves when we become so hyper-focused on ‘large’ questions. We equip ourselves through smaller steps.
(Put differently: before you’re lead guitarist on a stage, you’ll need to learn to play guitar at home.)
This is what I am inviting you to do: practice with me using the pure gold of your own ordinary life. Train with me to master this (just as if it were any other skill).
Learn to flow with Life into the natural, spontaneous discovery of what those “larger” questions have been calling you to sense toward all along.
This is why I’ve opened long-term options. When we can meet weekly over time, we grow much faster.
Email via the button below if you are interested in exploring this.
There’s a spot for you if you feel called.