Ways of working with me are becoming simpler, more focused, more efficient + more human, more profound. This moment marks the start of an intentional release of analytical pursuits + services in order to support a deeper work.

My offerings will serve just two primary pathways from now on: the path of Education + the path of Application, that is all. Of these pathways, Education will account for less than 1% of the true benefit available to us.

Application is the richer path. We will use initial presentations (Education) to supply a basic framework + establish common language we can use (Application).

Some of you will feel the call to grow beyond the sharing of ideas to the application of them in real life. You will be the ones to meet me here.

The path of Application is exclusive + requires your investment over time. It calls for the very best in you.


If, like me, you’ve grown beyond the paradigm of limiting analysis, it’s time to find your way to something more realistic, more expansive, more sustainable + natural + true.

You will feel the call if what I am describing is for you. If it is, then I will hope to hear from you, since we have very fruitful work to do.

Please know you’re invited to reach out to me with questions any time.

There’s a spot for you if you feel called.

MAY 31, 2023

Timothy Brainard