The life of the human body is the home of lasting change. In order to grow up into the truth of our potential, we must first become acquainted with the temple that contains it like an acorn holds the promise of a tree. To befriend the body is to come back down to earth, to find our center, to return to what is naturally ours. To befriend the body is to throw the door wide open to the prodigal + to welcome ourselves home.
In order to grow up, we must begin by growing down + in, like roots that reach their fingers into soil. We must see ourselves + feel ourselves anew; we must come into immediate personal contact with the world + let it move us. If we are to emerge as something beautiful + true, we must at first surrender to the earth: we must be planted.
To be planted is to return ourselves in trust to our own birthright. To be planted is to find ourselves alive inside the body of our sensory engagement with the world. It’s to move + feel + open to the heart of our unfolding story. To be planted, we must finally prioritize the body + its fundamental needs.
To progress, we must at first return: we must slow down + learn to feel. We must remember our own bodies. We must cultivate awareness in our feet + hands + spine. We must remember that we’re human + relax into the gift that this can be (and is, and has been all along).
The body is much more than we’ve supposed. The body is our home + it’s the path that we must travel to reclaim it.