Recently, health has become a primary social concern across the globe. Unfortunately, many of the strategies being recommended + applied to protect good health have been what I would refer to as “outside-in” approaches. People have emptied store shelves of hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, over-the-counter medications, and toilet paper (of all things).

Amazingly, in the rush to protect good health, it seems that many have forgotten about the most fundamental needs of the body itself. Beyond + before clean hands (or butts), the best preventative to ill health is a consciously-supported physical system operating at its best.

Because of this, the real question that I believe we should be asking ourselves is this: “What does my body need in order to achieve optimal function + generate radiant overall health?” This, of course, is what I would refer to as an “inside-out” question.

It is also a holistic question, because it addresses the body at its very foundation, effectively supporting emotional, psychological, and even spiritual well-being in addition to basic physical function.


I began asking the “better question” above more than a dozen years ago. After more than a full decade of searching + failing to find anything that would address the individual imbalances + requirements of my own physical processes, I finally found my way to the Primary Health System (as if by force of destiny, to be perfectly honest with you).

I had learned by this time that the root of physical health was the digestive process, but I had never before considered that my digestive process could be just as unique to me as personality. I committed myself full-time to the study of this system. I ran personal experiments. I began to quietly (and carefully) share my observations.

In the time since finding Primary Health System (PHS), my entire understanding of human health + the body has been exponentially expanded + refined. My most relentless physical imbalance healed itself within days. The very structure + radiant quality of my face changed. My thinking cleared. My muscles toned up.

Because of my personal experience with this system, I now consider PHS to be the single most important resource currently available on the subject of individual health. Nothing before or since has had such a profound impact on the quality of my physical health or view of my own body.


The offerings that I am introducing to you here represent some of the most important work that I have ever done. It is possible that there has never been a more relevant or necessary time to introduce them. I feel proud that I have waited until now: that I have given these discoveries real time to grow roots into the ground of personal experience + to become an integrated aspect of my everyday way of life.

I have chosen to call the holistic analysis made possible by PHS the “Dietary Regimen” (even though its relevance in application extends far beyond the question of food or diet). Since implementing my own Dietary Regimen, everything about my relationship to body, food, and environment has been improved. I have become stronger + more alert. I have watched the body heal.

But now it’s time to bring this system forward: to engage a wider audience, to share the wealth. Because of this, I have developed a small collection of product options that I intend to introduce one-by-one over the next few days. In the meantime, here’s a brief summary of each:

  • DIETARY REGIMEN, Complete Analysis: This is the go-to solution for discovering the secrets of your own unique digestive process. The experience is hosted by recorded video call + delivers everything you will need in order to begin running experiments of your own.

  • DIETARY REGIMEN, Plus Follow-Up: This option includes the Complete Analysis + a follow-up call to assess progress, review observations, and address questions. Based on my experience, this offer is the most useful in support of long-term application.

  • DIETARY REGIMEN, Reference Document: This personalized reference tool is included with every Complete Analysis, but made available now for separate purchase due to popular demand. Think of it as the cliff notes to your Complete Analysis.

  • THE TRIFECTA: This is the most valuable product bundle that I have ever yet assembled. It includes one Mirror Session, one Dietary Regimen (Complete Analysis), and The Body Keys Personal Formula Package.


To purchase or learn more, I invite you to visit this link. This is important stuff. I look forward to working with you.

MARCH 18, 2020

Timothy Brainard