This is a lightly edited transcript from a recent Mirror Session. It speaks to a process that is perfectly personal - not only to myself, but perhaps to every one of us. Of course, it will ring especially clear to certain stories.
For instance, the theme of Waiting is a fundamental key to application of Human Design; the theme of Silence calls to us from the Essence of Gene Key #24; and Listening is a pillar of my own work.
Contemplation, as described, is also worth a special note, as is the concept of Relating to the world that spins around us every moment.
In the end, I found this discourse to be rich with layers of value, both poetic + direct. I hope that you can meet it that same way.
This is about the quality of your relationship to experience. Are you a victim of random events, or is there value + meaningful rhythm to what occurs? Are you at the whim of old, unhelpful patterns, or do those patterns harbor lessons like a clue? This is an inner distinction - the difference between victimhood + empowerment - and it’s your inner process that determines which position you will hold.
And so your inner world establishes your place within the whole of Life’s great movement + the way that movement shapes the world around you. Because of this, you must see just how empowered your actual position really is: you hold the key by your relationship to whatever may occur in your experience. (Your key, then, is to dance instead of fight.)
If your choice is not-to-fight, then you must learn to listen in to every moment. This will be a fertile inner space of simply-watching. You are learning to slow down + listen in. You find an atmosphere of silence, then you wait until that silence yields its gifts. (And it will do precisely that if given time.)
So this is a contemplative movement: your awareness needs real time to gain perspective. (You can imagine any moment as a jewel that you must view from every angle to perceive its deeper beauty.) This process, of course, is mental, emotional, embodied - it takes time.
As you begin to recognize that this is the very process that’s already consistently unfolding in the world behind your eyes, you will stop rushing, you’ll slow down. You will adjust before too long to match the pace of this great movement - and you’ll trust it.
The paradox of course is that: the slower you can go, the more effectively you’ll make those new connections. You’ll achieve insight - tap your genius - without effort.
As you can see, this way of meeting your own life is made of magic. When you allow it to unfold in its own time, you are transformed.