Several weeks ago, I met with a Manifesting Generator for a first-time Mirror Session. During our time together, we discussed the fundamental dynamics of her aura. Hearing back my own words all this time later, I am struck by the universal significance of what was shared.

I can see how I have lived this, and expect that you may find yourself inside it, too. Enjoy.


Imagine that you are a sponge - that you are constantly receiving + absorbing the world around you. This state of total receptivity is really describing the energetics of what many call Abundance. Life itself is persistently delivering its gifts to your very doorstep. It is doing this every moment; it is never not doing this; it will never stop doing this. The gifts that it delivers are energetic + they’re relational; they’re resources, they’re finances, they’re opportunities.

Do your best to hear what I am saying here: everything that you need in life is going to be given to you by life. That’s the promise of this energy dynamic. And remember: this dynamic is something that is just happening as a natural function of who you are. It does not need your help, it does not need to be conjured or perfected. It is simply happening, as a natural expression of who you are inside.

But unfortunately, we tend to have a really hard time believing this - we get in our own way.


Someone like yourself who is very specifically + literally built to receive life is going to be specifically trained to go out + get life. (Really allow yourself to think about how backwards that is.) And so rather than relaxing into a surrendered space of wonder + fluidity that easily allows for you to receive what life is offering, you sidestep that ease + go out to try-and-make-things-happen, just like you’ve been taught to do by all of the leading authorities in your life until this point.

Think back. See if this advice rings any bells: “In order to be a success in life, in order to be of value to this world, you have to go out + create; you have to hurry; you have to get it.” The very greatest likelihood is that you’ve been set at odds with your own nature, taught to act in perfect opposition to the flow of life itself.

All the while, there is this Great Benevolent Backdrop - the perpetual provision of lessons, love, and gifts - as Life continues to remind you that: “If you will just hold still for long enough, I will give you everything you need + so much more.” This is just such a beautiful thing, is it not?


As people like you begin to step into that space of trust that actually allows for them to receive the gifts being offered, everything quickly begins to change. And it doesn’t just change for you, it changes for everyone around you. As you begin to recognize + to own the magical fact of this abundance in your life - as you learn to accept the moving miracle that is you - all of those energies + potentials held within begin to radiate from your core. You begin to have the deep affect + positive impact on the world that has always been intended by your design.

What’s so interesting to me in all of this is just how heavily focused we tend to be on influencing + serving others. I mean, people like yourself + like me - people with hearts flung open to the world - that’s what we care most about in life! We want to impact others in a way that is beneficial - in a way that really matters. We want to make a difference. We genuinely care.

And yet, in order for us to have the impact that we intend, we actually need to first retract the focus of our attention from all of those others for long enough to reconnect to what is true inside ourselves. And at first this feels very… selfish. (And it is.) But the process brings to life a way of being that’s authentic + original, unforced.

It’s that very authenticity from which everything we’ve hoped for can emerge. What we have worked so hard to manufacture by the sheer force of our will begins to blossom + bear fruit without our aid. There is easiness + beauty where before existed urgency + strain.


So you can begin to get a sense for how relaxed this position really is - for how surrendered + how trusting one must be. And if you’re wondering about exactly what we’re trusting in, consider this:

We’re trusting that our lives will happen for us; that every step along the way delivers value; and that life is neither stingy nor capricious, but humane.

In the end, it’s as simple as that: we’re learning how to trust in beauty, benevolence, and meaning.


Timothy Brainard