The following transcript provides the ideal backdrop for just about every conversation that I ever have. The words themselves emerged during a recent Mirror Session with a first-time participant. They speak to a mutual understanding that must underpin any collaborative experience: they remind us of our place + of our power.
I believe that this message holds special value for us all. May it return you to the center of your personal adventure: may it remind you of the spaciousness + power that you stand in.
I’ve studied a lot of systems over the past dozen years or so. I’ve studied religion, philosophy, and psychology. I’ve studied neuroscience, neurobiology, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy - all alongside an equally-colorful array of embodiment modalities. I’ve studied all of these in-depth. (I’ve never stopped studying.) It’s also worth noting that this process of self-study has not been a matter of book learning only.
These are areas of exploration that I have actively lived into - that I have tested + applied - that I have been expanded by over a great deal of time in real life. And though we will draw on much of what I have learned over this time as we proceed, the energy of communicating a history like this can be misleading.
Because, as impressive as that history may appear when delivered in this way, the truth is that ultimately none of it holds any proven value for you until you’re able to take the pieces that specifically resonate + introduce them to the landscape of your individual life in some real way.
Often we will speak in terms of your ‘experiment.’ We use this word on purpose: because you simply can’t afford to assume that anything I am delivering is in fact inherently true for you until it has borne out in your experience. And so you test the value of these ideas when you bring them down to life: you run an experiment.
Experiments are so powerful because of how they’re held inside us: they make us curious. They draw us forward into life + new experience with a willingness to learn, and they allow us to engage with what unfolds from the position of ‘I wonder.’ (I wonder if this is true. I wonder if this will work for me.)
From that position, what is helpful naturally integrates, becomes a part of who you are: expands perspective + informs your sense of self. Similarly, there is space for what is not-a-fit to simply fall away, to be released - as you intuitively pivot + begin a new experiment, focused elsewhere.
Experimentation is a flexible, self-honest validation: it’s a strategy for navigating realms of not-yet-knowing. It’s how we stretch ourselves on purpose without risking everything on someone else’s word.
So, as we expand this conversation - as I continue to share things with you - I will repeatedly return our shared attention to this place of your responsibility + choice along the way. You are the agent + designer of your personal experiment. You alone determine what proves useful. You retain control of which direction your experiment unfolds.
And so, as excited as I may get about something (and as confident as I may come across in my delivery), I want you to always remember that I am not here to tell you anything so much as simply share what I believe to be of use based on experience.
Does that sound fair?