The following transcript is shared from a private message that I recorded for a friend - a friend for whom I have so much respect. I delivered this message from the depths of my amazement, from the infinite well of a pure + open heart. And now I would invite you to imagine that this message was recorded just for you.

I trust that those of you for whom these words are meant will deeply sense that they are yours; you’ll meet this message fully, in your own way + (as always) perfect timing.

For now, I leave it here to work its magic + remind you of your worth. Please do enjoy.


I wanted to communicate just how impressed I am by the exquisite way in which you have chosen to meet the movement + the lessons of your life. And it’s not as if these lessons get any easier; and they never get learned-for-good! You know? It’s not like we get to learn these sort of things once + for all, then walk away. That would be easy! Anyone could do that.

But no. It’s much harder than that. It takes a great degree of care + trained attention, and of courage most of all, for us to use what we have learned in our own lives. This is a much deeper + far more honest form of learning. This learning is never a once-and-for-all-time thing. Instead, it happens moment-by-moment-by-moment, and expands.

So rather than learning something only to happily skip along into the remainder of our lives as if we’ve somehow ‘got it now,’ we meet these flickering moments as they come, one at a time.

And then we choose to apply what we have learned. And then we apply it again. And again. We do this over + over + over again.


That’s what real learning is. That’s true mastery. That requires 100% of you: to apply what you have learned + somehow manage to expand it in the act. That requires honesty, humility, and care. It takes 100% of who you are to meet the moment-by-moment movement of your life with such integrity. It is an art, embodied genius - it really is.

And yet that is exactly what you’re doing, despite the tremendous inevitable difficulty of meeting life so fully. Interestingly, it’s the very fact of this difficulty that describes for me just how unflinching you really are in choosing time + time again to meet those moments in the best way that you can.

Over + over again, you choose not to succumb to those unhelpful shadow patterns - all those habits - which have held you for so long from who you are, from your Great Self.

And isn’t that just remarkable?


I mean, I want for you to see yourself inside of that word, “remarkable.” To see yourself inside of such impeccable attention. To really begin to see yourself - the heroine - inside of that great courage + its power. I want for you to witness + to trust your own integrity.

We’re both doing this. We’re doing it together, each in our own way. And I am so very proud of you, I really am. Just so impressed.

OCTOBER 3, 2019

Timothy Brainard