This morning I wrote a letter to a friend; but the message it contained pursued a destination all its own. And so I share this letter here: it is addressed to Undefined + Open Hearts.
Put another way: if the Heart Center (also known as the Ego or the Will Center) of your Human Design chart is colored white instead of red, then this transmission is for you.
Pay close attention (or maybe save this post until you can). These words may hold a truth that saves your life.
I would guard against attempting to commit yourself at all, if this is possible. In fact, I would encourage you to consider how it might be possible to explore + to engage in your own life without the added weight of obligation (in any direction). Remember, always, the Abiding Truth of Open Hearts, that: you have nothing to prove. There is nothing for you to prove. You are simply not designed for setting goals or making promises in the ways that certain others seem to be.
Your path is something lighter, more unstudied - like the intricate behaviors of the wind. You are here instead to trust + to remember that, in every case you meet (without exception), you haven’t got a single thing to prove.
So, if you would pursue a course of action or expression, choose to follow it for reasons strung to joy without applying any time frame, goal, or expectation of its end. Connect to that bright YES that sinks its roots into your gut + choose courageously to trust that where it leads you is the very place that you must be. Do this over + over again. Sensitize yourself to these bright signals + their pulse.
You don't need to 'choose one thing + stick with it.' You need to open up your life to such a great extent that you can flow from one thing to the next without self-judgment or complaint. You need to choose right now, in each new moment, what your heart-gut-intuition most desires - and then you need to trust this deeper impulse till another lights its fire in your soul.
You are not here to decide, and then commit. You are here to tune your being to the song of each new moment (be it stormy, still, or bright), and then release yourself completely to its tide.