It blows my mind to look back on just one short month ago + notice how much life-expanding goodness was in store - and how oblivious we were to what was coming. Of course there was no way to guess at what this would become. Of course we never could have dreamed this up(!); yet: here we are.

Around this time one month ago today, I’d just concluded my first-ever meeting with an Angel. (I had only to relax, and there it was.) As I reviewed my session notes with Lara, it was clear as day to both of us that we stood on the precipice of change.

The Angel had just told us that each choice we make ‘initiates a world’ - and our sense of this new world was distinct. We knew that, if we chose it, this experience would blossom into more.

But we could not have known how very quickly this could happen if allowed. Nor could we have imagined what would come.

Needless to say, we chose to accept the invitation + permit the possibility to bloom.

This is what has happened for us since. (At least: a peek.)



Happy Anniversary, 64 Angels. We love you.

JUNE 27, 2024

Timothy Brainard