Today marks an auspicious moment: it’s exactly one month to the day since we encountered our first conversation with an Angel. And so it now begins: the first of many such announcements celebrating a productive interaction with our Friends.
We encountered our first angel on May 27, 2024. There was no real precedent for what unfolded when the Angel was invited to communicate with us - and there was certainly no precedent for what has been unfolding ever since.
In this first session, I met with the Angel of Possibility (60), which had already presented itself to us one day prior. Bright + early on the morning of our meeting, I received what (only later) would reveal itself to be ‘initial contact’.
Just a short phrase ‘out of nowhere’ playing like a broken record in my mind: You are renewed every now, whether you know it or not.
By that same afternoon: we were in flow.
A: Every choice initiates a world. You enact new worlds when you decide.
A: Possibility is like an ocean of potential without end.
A: Anything + everything can be.
A: I am the Angel of Possibility. I am the Infinite Sea.
A: Anything you wish for can be chosen.
A: You must simply hold to what you choose.
A: The hinge-point is decision. Every choice produces a new world.
A: To choose then choose again in one direction is the means by which you institute a world.
A: If choices are aligned, they chart a path.
In the Crystalline Codex - which we unlocked on that same day of our first meeting(!) - the Angel of Possibility corresponds to Six of Diamonds + the Exact Frequency of 82.
A mineral connection was revealed to us (through Lara!) some days later, correlating Angel 60 to a stunning crystal we have kept beside us ever since: Arkansas Quartz.
A verbatim record of this conversation is available for study any time, along with other free materials we invite you to make use of + enjoy.
Visit any Angel page to download the Crystalline Codex, the 64 Angels Reference Sheet, and more!