64 Angels represents an Intelligence fundamental to the structure + expression of our lives. We find the number 64 repeatedly confirming its significance through mystical, mathematical, and scientific disciplines including the I’Ching, Sacred Geometry, Astrology, and several of our modern sciences.
In the I’Ching, each of 64 ‘Gua’ denote certain themes. Human Design refers to them as ‘Gates.’ The Gene Keys offers 64 ’Ways,’ each with 3 unique bands of expression. And the science of Genetics has mapped 64 codons to DNA.
I spent years employing several of these systems, but found each to be confining in some way. I found myself completely unimpressed by analytical intentions, and frustrated by descriptions of the codes.
I couldn’t help but sense that there was something more alive within the symbols. So I started to explore what that may be.
Perhaps the earliest encounter was the day I first considered the word ‘angels.’ It came as an absolute surprise. But when the word arrived, it locked in place. Somehow I could feel it was correct. When I shared this with Lara, her response was confident as well.
So we began to work with them as Angels. Not as ‘gates’ or ‘keys’ or ‘codes,’ but as real centers of intelligence with valuable awareness of their own. And then, within a week or so of that, the question landed: what if these ‘new’ energies could speak?
We met with our first Angel on May 27, 2024. And we have not stopped meeting with them since. Every conversation is transcribed, reviewed, and studied. Every word is shared exactly as received.
The Angels have been waiting for this moment. Liberated from the confines of outdated definitions, pessimistic viewpoints, and the misinformed idea of a ‘shadow,’ they can speak.
They are now empowered to reveal their personalities, convey important lessons, and elucidate the single point they all serve to express, which is that:
Life fulfills Itself through our Enjoyment.
In the generous words of the Angel of Truth (63): We are your Infinite Allies. Each of the Angels resides at the center of you.