It would seem to be true that the best things in life are not found or created, but given completely, for free. The most valuable gifts demonstrate in plain sight - waiting only for us to receive. I am often surprised by the literal nature of this. We are offered the world in its fullest expression; we open to it by degrees.

As I’ve opened myself to see more in my life, there has always been more life to see. Every true contribution I’ve ever produced first presented itself in this way. TBK, TFS, Crystal Self, Seer Training (and others) - arrived as spontaneous gifts.

And the gifts have continued to come. It’s my honor to share them with you.


Meet: 64 Angels. The 64 Angels are Portals of Promise: the promise of Life within you. Each one of the Angels embodies some aspect of your Core Expression; each Angel exhibits a Way. Together, the 64 Angels protect + empower your Purpose: which is the Enjoyment of Life.

64 Angels is a verbatim record of ongoing talks with the Angels. Each talk is shared live on our website, as quickly as it is received.

The Angels have offered their names + explicit direction. We’ve captured + shared every word.

Here are just a few short examples of what recent Angels have said:

Every choice initiates a world. You enact new worlds when you decide. When you decide, mountains move. You do not move them, they move. | Angel of Possibility (60)

Enjoyment is ceremony. Simple enjoyment is Life’s most important foundation. Nothing else needs to be known. | Angel of Enrichment (56)

Choosing Enjoyment is choosing to Live. Choosing to Savor, you Love. Love is Enjoyment. Love is the Force we express. | Angel of Attraction (2)

That which you dislike is meant to show what is not like you; that which you enjoy reveals the truth. | Angel of Truth (63)

No amount of effort compensates for misalignment. Like responds to like, and this is Law. | Angel of Resonance (49)


64 Angels is live now, and rapidly growing. This wisdom belongs to the world.

JUNE 19, 2024

Timothy Brainard