The Truth is always obvious + simple, right at hand. It is never hidden from us, complicated, or obscure. If we have been exhausted by our search for deeper Truth, we’ve been exhausted by our own mistaken sense of what it takes to touch the deeper Truth we seek. The fact is that we’ve been distracted by opinion, and confused.
But Life’s equation could not be more elegant, or clear. And here it is: 1) We get more of anything that we permit ourselves to dwell on; 2) Each of us has been empowered to decide; and 3) When we turn toward the Light of Love + Beauty, Life expands.
Two years ago this month (April 2022), I held a private conversation with a stone. Its messages have continued to instruct + to expand me ever since. I’d like to share some of those messages here now.
Beauty is all that there is. Speak only that which deserves to be spoken. Bring to life beautiful things. Praise or Thanksgiving or Blessing: all else is meaningless noise. Hold back nothing. Pour yourself out on behalf of the world that you love.
Share what is beautiful. That is the way you create. Never mind helping. Celebrate Beauty instead. Celebrate Beauty instead. This may become your new mantra. All will transform if it does.
In other words: there is nothing more deserving of attention than the best of everything we most enjoy. “All else is meaningless noise.”
The Apostle Paul said it this way: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.
Somewhere around November 2022, I chose to stake my life on what I sensed of deeper Truth within these words - and life has never stopped exploding since.
You’ve witnessed what this looks like in real time. When we commit our hearts to Love + Beauty, life expands.
So what is it that you delight in + enjoy? What beautiful things will you invite to life through simple celebration of those things?