In order for the concept of Infinity to hold, it must include you. If it includes you (which it does), then it must totally surround, support, and animate your every thought + gesture: activating particle, perspective, word + deed. If this is true (and it is true), then you are a direct expression of this One Great Thing - the Only Life.
If this is true (and it is so completely true), then you are filled, sustained, and moved by this eternal Life: the purest, most prolific, most impeccable + powerful, most capable, accessible, and practical Reality there is. If this is true, then this Life is available to you. (And this is true.)
This Life is Absolute Abundance, Limitless Supply. (Infinity means limitless, correct?) This Life is pouring itself into you + into me + into all of us + everything that is, without depleting even for a moment its supply. (This is what limitlessness guarantees.)
Each of us is some part of this Life. Each of us retains a total access to unlimited expression of this Life. Remember: Life is pouring itself into life through you. Which means that we express as much of Life as we are able to allow.
We are the containers that Life fills. We provide the molds through our ideas + our stories - through the ways we think + feel about ourselves. The larger our perceptions, the more Life there is available to us.
Each of us must learn what this feels like, how true it is, what it implies. Each of us must recognize how pliable ideas really are - and finally acknowledge what this means. Eventually, we connect the dots:
Life is absolutely without limit. This Great Life invigorates my own. I express exactly as much Life as my self-concept has allowed. I get to expand what I allow.
Contemplate the power in these words. Sense into the logic they employ.
Each of us is absolutely sovereign. Totally empowered. Full of life.
This means each of us becomes responsible for asking:
How much more of Life will I let in?