During my recent conversation on the Inspire Health by Jen podcast, a listener posed a question I’d have loved to dwell on for some time.
Regarding my assertion that the body’s wisdom is completely trustworthy, she asked: What about chronic pain in the body?
This is an excerpt of my response.
What I can say for certain is that some inherent link exists between the mind + body, and that this link is far more important than we’ve yet considered it to be. The mind + body are a unity: they’re meant to work together + they typically do not in modern life.
Chronic pain, from my perspective, is a natural effect of that divorce. We become absorbed in chronic loops of physical discomfort because we’ve misunderstood the fundamental value of the body + the mind in harmony.
Chronic pain is a result of an improper use of our own mind. It also stems from having become deaf to the essential wisdom that the body makes available to us.
So while there may be many different ways to address chronic illness - and even many ways that seem to work - I would assert that there is only one way to sustainably address (all) chronic pain.
And that is through a better understanding of the fundamental marriage that exists between the body + the mind. We simply must become aware of that.
Our personal mentality exhibits greater power than we’ve ever had the courage to believe. We must remember how to use it well.
In doing so, we elevate our healing. Our role becomes much clearer + our power more accessible as well.
This is the next level of our healing - and the only shot we have at lasting change.
To rediscover your creative power + learn more about the roles of mind + body in your life, you are invited to meet The Forgotten Sense.