The following is an adaptation from my recent conversation with Jen Ciszewski on her podcast, Inspire Health by Jen. A comprehensive index + direct links can be accessed here. Enjoy!


If you are lit up, you are connected to free energy. If you are excited, inspired, turned on, enthusiastic - you are in the flow of that free energy. It’s like the Tesla generator: once initiated, energy keeps moving effortlessly, without any cost. The movement itself generates the energy required to perpetuate the movement without end.

This is what I am referring to: a proper use of energy that inherently replenishes itself. This is the sustainable alternative to everything that we’ve been trained to do. Few of us have learned to tap this reservoir of constant possibility in life - though Nature demonstrates it lavishly.


Many of us choose to work in service to the other. We have learned to fill our cup, then pour it out for those we wish to serve. What I am suggesting here is that it’s possible to fill your cup + never have to pour it out again.

It’s possible to fill your cup until it overflows: allowing all around you to be filled up even as you fill yourself. They are nourished by the overflow. This will cost you nothing in the end.

In this way, we give without depletion - because we are continuously filled! And we are meant to be completely filled.

Life is meant to be delicious, rich, and full.


What we’re dealing with here is a process very few of us have been taught, that is all. This is merely a procedural distinction.

There's nothing wrong with any of us. We just need to be reminded of the better, more effective way to be.

Our intentions have always been good. Now we plug them into Nature’s process:

Energy that moves without expense.


You are totally equipped to tap free energy like this. A good first step is The Forgotten Sense. Click below to learn what it’s about.

JUNE 27, 2023

Timothy Brainard