The following is an adaptation from my recent conversation with Jen Ciszewski on her podcast, Inspire Health by Jen. A comprehensive index + direct links can be accessed here. Enjoy!
I’m just going to release ‘the spoiler’ right now. Every one of us contains - beneath the surface of our limiting ideas - the most empowered truth about ourselves. It is already there, and it is active. It does not need to be developed, it does not need to be improved upon, it has always been true, and it will never cease to be the truth. The trick is not to become better than we are, but rather to remember + become as beautiful as we have always been.
Human Design is a useful tool insofar as it reminds us of the truth about ourselves. If any given piece of information you discover through the study of your BodyGraph is pointing to a fundamental truth about yourself, you will remember it the moment that you see it - you will absolutely know that it is true.
How will you know this? You will know this by the way it feels: because of how it lands with such a THUD. The words jump off the page, they feel familiar somehow. There is an energetic highlighting of sorts. It is spontaneous + unavoidable each time!
These chills erupt across your body + something inside you says, “This is the truth about me, yes! I’ve always known this.”
It is possible to develop this ability to sense toward what is true about ourselves.
Our first step is The Forgotten Sense. Click below to learn what it’s about.