This is Part 2 of my response to a friend. See the prior post if you have not yet read Part 1.
Coming to this understanding shines a light on all those inner movements that are clearly disconnected from the Truth. I’m learning now to meet those voices of self-criticism, worry, and concern for what they are; I get to say, “Ah-hah, I see you this time! Not today!” I get to say, “No thank you” to so many things that previously I had just assumed to be a fact. I get to put my foot down + say, “No. I know the taste of Truth + that’s not it.”
The Truth is always beautiful + kind: benevolent + ready to assist us when allowed. The Truth is so much larger than we’ve known. It supersedes the best of our ideas, and expands them. Somehow (by the force of unrelenting grace), I manage to live up + up + up into still more + more + more of it with every passing day, and that’s a trip.
It’s this progressive sense of Life’s inherent generosity that has allowed a sense of peace I’ve never known before to settle in - a special form of confidence that still feels very new to me (yet certain as the dawn + old as time).
This is the special confidence of uncontested knowing that emerges in the light of something true: obvious, dependable, and pure.
So while there’s not much I can say that I have “done,” the one thing that I have accomplished is a clearer understanding of the Truth: that One Great Truth which underlies, accommodates, and finally eclipses lesser truths. Recognizing this, I have surrendered myself to it absolutely, trusting more + more in what I’ve seen.
As I do this, life becomes more spacious, more enjoyable, more kind. I have a lot to be thankful for. And there’s exactly nothing worth my worry or concern. Remembering this from one moment to the next has been my work.
And that’s what I’ve been doing - really all that I’ve been doing - every day. Quite a simple effort, yet profound.
Beautiful + simple: my life’s work.