I spent last week with a whole slew of teachers related to my Legacy (or Life’s Work). Some of these teachers included the Three of Cups (tarot), The Chariot (archetype), the Number 7 (frequency), Green Apophyllite (stone), and Hummingbird (totem).

I was amazed to find each of these teachers articulating the same thing. This has been such a surprising effect of the whole Crystal Self journey: the way all aspects of any position somehow share the very same message.

Teachers from multiple disparate systems converge on a single point, each of them lending their own voice to the same harmonious song. Last week it happened again.


It began with the Hummingbird - a teacher I’ve learned from for so many years - reminding me to FIND THE BEAUTY. Three of Cups followed suit, speaking of pure celebration! (My Green Apophyllite landed in time to agree.)

Number 7 + The Chariot added a touch of intention, reminding me of the significance of my own voice: “Speak with awareness of the power native to sound; that which you speak, you create.”

Halfway through the week, I had summarized it in this way: My Great Work is to create through a relentless orientation toward Beauty + impeccable use of my words.


Still, Life wanted to show me how simple all this could become, so distilled what I’d found even further by means of a stone’s gentle message: Never mind helping. Celebrate Beauty instead.

I was reminded that I am not here to “fix” anything “broken” or get busy “solving” concerns. My Work is no “work” at all: it’s to become wonder-filled.

Further refined, the surprising response to this “big question” of what I am here to contribute is: Celebrate Beauty. That’s all.

As a friend put it (that same week, no less!): Speak Praise, Thanksgiving, or Blessing; anything less is a form of profanity.

OOF. Yes. I see it. It’s true. This is true magic. Words make or break. (I can choose.)

I choose to Celebrate Beauty. (Beauty is all that there is.)


This relentless orientation toward Beauty is a practice I call Wayfinding. To learn how this works, join me here:

APRIL 11, 2022

Timothy Brainard