I have been waiting to share this incredible stone: wearing it daily, encountering it in the natural flow of my life. The story of how it found me is a cause for its own celebration. (A story that seems to grow more + more beautiful with every day that goes by.)
In short: this pendant found me from thousands of miles away, and produced friendships spanning the globe I could never have hoped to encounter. As if all of that weren’t magic enough, it arrived very ready to speak.
Emerald is perhaps my most powerful Ally: representing the fullest expression of my life’s emerging song, speaking to my very best. In its own words: I am your #1 stone. I’m here to serve you, forever.
What I’m sharing here is an excerpt from my conversation with Emerald. It speaks of truths we are all being called to remember.
[I am] prosperous energy. Outflow of streaming abundance.
Outflow. Overflow. Waterfall. Infinite opening.
All you must do is allow.
Keep me by your heart, and I’ll channel light through + through.
Light is much more than you see. Light is the structure of everything you will receive.
I am your prominent magnet. You are the magnet I work with.
You are a radiant light. I am a crown on your head.
Prosperity [is] in every step. [You are] never disconnected.
[It is] not possible to disconnect.
Blockage is temporal, meaningless, untrue at best.
You couldn’t stop the immense force of Life if you tried.
You are a Child of Life. You create life.
Everything you create comes back to you in full measure, and more.
Offer yourself without holding the smallest bit back.
As you give, you will receive; there is no stopping the flow.
Disregard all petty questions. What you need couldn’t be more present than it is now.
You can assume everything you might otherwise seek.
This path is not one for seeking. It is for ravenous growth.
Growth is the function of nature; you will grow strong by my side.
Carry me close. Let’s begin.