All the way back in October of 2020, my friend Luciano invited me to speak on the topic of “three keys,” which he described as being an ultimate summation of my personal legacy, or the three most prominent insights I would choose to extend on behalf of my younger self if it were possible to do so.
A discussion that was “supposed” to cap at 15 minutes extended to just short of an hour. The truth is, we could have contained it to 15 minutes, but decided not to once we had achieved an easy flow.
A lot of time has passed since then, and the larger conversation that had been slotted to contain our own appeared to have been shelved; the talk itself apparently forgotten.
Until last night.
While preparing the podcast page for my most recent guest appearance, I stumbled upon a draft of the page that I had created to host my talk with Luciano. Seeing it, my heart melted + I knew that it was time to reconnect.
Within minutes, Luciano + I were in a fresh new flow of conversation, the original recording had been sent to me in full, and I had Luciano’s blessing to use or share it in any way I wished.
We agreed that I would offer it as a FREE DOWNLOAD via the same page on my website I had assembled to present it all that time ago.
But here’s the fun part. Those Three Keys? From all the way back in 2020? They were my Three Pillars. The same Three Pillars that I have been expanding on in recent days + weeks. The same Three Pillars that support full application of The Forgotten Sense.
In fact, I mentioned The Forgotten Sense during my discussion with Luciano - fully unaware of how completely it was “planning” to resurface in my life. Completely unaware that I was being called up into my own unfolding "future."
Fast-forward to now, and The Forgotten Sense stands proudly as the beginning point + center of every service I create.
It hasn't only "come home;" it has become home base for everything I live, create, and choose to share.
Without exaggerating, I can say that these same Three Keys continue to improve my life each day.
They inform, direct, and beautify my way of being every moment, and have done so now for years.
The truth is, I feel totally amazed; and I could not be more excited to share this “new” talk with you! One small point I’d like to make as a refinement of the way I spoke to these “three keys” back then:
Time + experience have “updated” my delivery of these Pillars. In my talk with Luciano, I presented them in this sequence: first Body Listening, then Narrative Design, and then Wayfinding.
Since that time, I have come to understand that the appropriate sequence (in terms of practical development + application) should be: Body Listening, Wayfinding, Narrative Design.
Aside from this, the talk is sound, and I sincerely hope that everyone who sees this post will listen.
(I believe that those who do will recognize the gift my heart’s extended.)
Grab your FREE DOWNLOAD or learn more about The Forgotten Sense below: