When The Body Keys first began revealing themselves to me, I knew that I was witnessing the unfolding of a very useful resource. What I could not have even begun to imagine at the time was just how socially relevant or how crucial this new resource would become.
I could not have imagined all that has unfolded in the time since November 2019. I could not understand at the time, as month dragged into month, why these Keys would not allow themselves to be “officially” revealed.
In the end, I was required to wait a full four months past the time of my intended release date.
Four months of grueling failed attempts to record + release this video. Four months of creative static. Four months of staring blankly at the back-end of my halfway-updated website. Four months of paralysis.
One day in December, I spent hours attempting to record this video in a series of uncooperative locations. After scrapping more than 100 unusable takes, I was utterly depleted. (That was one bad day…)
So, despite best efforts + all of my professional know-how, I was required by some greater intelligence to slow WAY down, and wait. As I waited, the whole world around us changed…
I waited until one day there arose an impulse. I could feel it. I was being called into the forest. I gathered my backpack + my gear, and then I trekked into the solitary setting that had summoned me.
Finding my way to a rock beside the sounds of a playful creek, I sat + recorded this video in just one take. When it was finished, I laughed aloud. It was easy. The time had come.
Today I am proud to announce the official release of The Body Keys. I am proud to consider how they waited to be revealed, and I am humbled by the wisdom of the timing. Their timing, not my own.
As you will see, The Body Keys contribute as a resource to address the very time that we’re in now: a time of deep uncertainty + stress. An unprecedented time. A time of seeming instability + fear.
Just in time, The Body Keys arrive to prove a natural Stability at the very core of who you are: a Wisdom + Resilience that is yours, and always has been from the start.
This is a Wisdom + Resilience that can be tapped: not someday-soon, but every-moment, here-and-now, intentionally, today.
This system reminds us of the body’s natural capacity for softening tension + stress. It reveals the specific ways in which your body has been wired to relax in times of insecurity + fear.
There is a reason that The Body Keys have waited until now to meet the world. I am thrilled to introduce them - they’re important.
I hope that you will benefit from this video + whatever it inspires in your soul.