Recently, my own life has been shaken to its core. In truth, those tremors (and their effects) continue still. A recent Mirror Session evoked the following insights, which emerged as much for me as for the other. And so I share this with you now as a reminder: as a reminder to meet the story of your life anew each moment.

None of us get to take this Gift for granted. We are not alive to hurry or achieve, we’re here to feel: to be alert + deeply human, and to welcome (and to savor) what that means.


Our minds get pretty well set on a trajectory. You might leave an event, for instance, feeling very inspired + excited about moving forward in a certain way. You might feel very confident about this. The mind can see it all! You might become absolutely convinced that you know the way forward: a straight + evident line from here to there.

But when you’re following this deeper space of Inner Knowing - when you’re following the flow + the momentum of how life moves through your story - you’re no longer dealing with a linear trajectory. You’re dealing with a movement. Because of this, your life becomes a symphony!

There are these bursts of self-expression, and then moments of a quieter retreat. There is a flow. And so, of course, to stay connected to that movement will surprise you (and in many cases, will surprise your mind in ways it does not find so cute).

The truth is, when you reach into this place of Inner Knowing - when you choose to meet your life as an experiment on themes of True Surrender - things may unfold in ways you’d never planned: in other words, you’re bound to be surprised.

And when those moments come, remember that surprises are not something to be feared - they are on-purpose. You can rest in understanding that the unexpected is expected on this path.

You are making your decisions from a significantly more spiritual place, a more grounded place of patience, sensitivity, and trust.

But that place is a wilderness, a wonder, unknown territory. To live there, you must really be a heroine, a rogue, a pioneer.

To live there is to move without a map. It is audacious + impressive, it takes guts.


And so, you can begin to see just how impossible it is to know anything along the way. There can be no trajectory. All that you can ever know is Trust. You are the skin of the drum, not the drummer’s impeccable hand. All that you can do is welcome life, and then surrender to its pulse, its pace, its music.

There can be no trajectory. All that you can ever know is trust: trust that your life is held inside a story so much larger than your mind could ever know.

So if you choose to meet this larger story, be the heroine, the hero - choose to trust it. Then pay close attention to what happens when you do.

SEPTEMBER 22, 2019

Timothy Brainard