The following is a (lightly edited) transcript. Though a personal transmission for the person it first met, I must believe that it is meant for your eyes, too, if you have seen it. I hope that it can serve you in some way.


Your role - what you’re here to fulfill in this life - is of a very high importance. I hope that when you hear me saying this you don’t feel too afraid. I know how it must sound, so very grand + so far-reaching: and it is. What we’re referring to is your unfolding epic, your own story - yours to tell. There are untold depths of meaning that accompany the fact of your existence: these are depths that I am hoping to reveal.

Of course, not everything I’ve shared with you will make sense right away. And yet, you can expect it to begin to take on meaning over time. (This is going to lead to something, I can feel it.) These conversations open doorways in the heart. These doorways unveil vistas we’ve ignored. Eventually, these vistas will seduce you: they will call you to engage a larger vision than the one you’ve always known.

Now, the impact of this story moving through you will change lives. You won’t even need to hold that transformation as intent: by virtue of connecting to another from the heart, you will have impact. You can’t help it: it’s a function of your nature, of the subtle interaction of your soul. There is nothing you can do but learn to trust this + relax into the story it unfolds.

That, of course, is quite a process: it’s the journey of a hero - it’s a war against those demons that would hold you from your natural potential. And this must be the hardest work of all: to be re-membered, to become whole. We’re actually reclaiming that initial space of wonder, wide-eyed innocence: remembering the Child held within.

And that inner reclamation is so daunting! It is terrifying, perilous, a risk. Every monster that we meet along the way is an old pattern that we’ve learned to call our own. These are all the patterns of protection that we’ve built to keep us separate from the world + its surprises. They are habits + defenses we’ve relied on for some time.

This idea that there might be something brighter + more beautiful behind them is a vision only few will ever hold. Acting on that vision is a miracle of courage + of will. Most people simply don’t have what it takes, yet here you are: facing down the demons with an eye turned toward the richness they conceal.

You have entered your own story: find the Child. (All the rest will take care of itself.)

AUGUST 9, 2019

Timothy Brainard