There are many important recurring questions that I have met in the course of hosting Mirror Sessions.

Perhaps the most consistent of them all is one that I have held inside myself for just about as long as I am able to remember.

The question is: How do I know if I’m doing this right?

That’s it: "How do I know if I’m doing life right?"

Every conscious human that I have ever met carries at the very heart of their personal process some variation on this theme.

If you’re paying any attention to the quality of your life, you’ll know this question.

Recently, a friend asked this of me, practically verbatim.

Because I have come to know her so well, I was able to deliver the response that I've included just below.

I encourage you to hear this message as if I recorded it just for you. (In sharing it with you now, I really have.)


You know that you’re doing it right when you show up for your life. When you show up + you pay attention.

And now (probably more than ever before in your life), you’re doing precisely that.

The way that you’re showing up: it’s deeper + it’s more authentic than it’s ever been; and it’s deepening + becoming more authentic every minute.

Right? You’re doing it! You’re doing the thing: you show up for life, you pay attention. Boom.

In doing those two things, you learn.

And as you learn, you get to adjust the quality of how you show up.

And then you get to pay more attention + learn new things + make fresh adjustments.

There’s this continual process of development.

Right now, you’re inside of that process. You’re doing everything that you need to do + there’s nothing more to be done.

There’s no need (or even really any way) to accelerate it aside from simply relaxing into it more + more.

It’s such a disorienting paradox, I know, but:

The more that you relax, and the more that you slow down, the more space you will create for yourself, and the more quickly you will advance along this path.

JUNE 16, 2019

Timothy Brainard