The following is a direct transcript from a recent Mirror Session with a first-time participant. I am choosing to share it void of context, since the topic it addresses seems to be almost-perfectly universal.

I fully expect that just about anyone reading this post will resonate with what is being said: since every word is true for every one of us.

Because of this, I hope that you will receive these words as though they were a gift from me to you.


These are natural energies that we’re discussing here. They are already, automatically, naturally occurring inside of you. They are written into your very chemistry. It’s very much like your heartbeat: you don’t have to do your heart beating; it’s a movement that is happening.

And so this is happening through you in exactly the same way. You don’t have to go + make an impact. By simple virtue of who you are, standing in a room, you have an impact. What happens, though, is that we get in the way of the natural flow of these energies within us.

So, the Mind says, “Oh, I need to make some money,” and then it sets out to develop a strategy in order to achieve that specific end. Of course, as you’ve already witnessed, it is very possible for you to set yourself at odds with what’s natural for you in order to achieve a given end.

What I am trying to say is that it is also possible to achieve a significantly more expanded + magical end if you fully commit to what it means to be yourself - if you allow yourself the space to really show up. Learning how to show up as yourself, however, takes some time.

Learning how to trust that when you show up as yourself, magic happens - that also takes time. But patience is a sore spot. And in this you are not alone! You really are not alone. This is somehow true for everyone, regardless of their type.

Every type - regardless of definition, regardless of personal history, regardless of intention - every type faces the same underlying challenge of impatience. I mean, everyone struggles with impatience.

So you can begin to get a sense, even now in this moment, for how very un-comfortable that inner sense of urgency + discontentedness can be; and how important something like patience might become in allowing you to reconnect to what is yours.

MAY 30, 2019

Timothy Brainard