This transcript is one of a few that I hope to publish after meeting with Anna Frolik to discuss the theme of ‘Waiting.’ It was such an important conversation, with so many moments of golden clarity.
It remains my pleasure to share some of those moments with you here + to invite you to enjoy the fuller conversation at this link.
We’ve been trained to act in direct opposition to what is natural for us. This is common. This is true for just about anyone in today’s modern world. We’ve become un-natural. So finding our way to what is Natural can be a bit of a trial-and-error process. It’s not as though you just click into place. You have to feel for it. It takes time, and it may even require a bit of actual “laziness” along the way.
But here’s the truth: when you return to the state of your own Nature, there is no such thing as laziness. I’ll go out on a limb here. I’m no biologist, but I believe this to be true based on my experience + my observation. I believe that there is no such thing as ‘laziness’ in an appropriately functioning organic system.
Think about this with me for a moment. There’s a significant difference between being at rest + being lazy. Really consider that difference if you can. Consider how we move the same way as we return to this position of what’s most-Natural for us. This is what I refer to as our Nature with a capital ’N.’
Life becomes a fluid movement, much like music. There are notes + there are pauses in-between them. We move in + out of activity; we come to moments of quiet rest. And when this happens as a function of our Nature, it’s no longer possible or appropriate to name it.
It’s not “meditation” or “laziness.” It’s not any thing at all. It’s just “what is happening now.” There is great beauty + simplicity to meeting life on that level.
It is honest, it is elegant, it is you: alive + living in the music of your life.