MAY 24, 2024

T: Hello, Herkimer Skeletal. I am prepared to receive all that you might wish to share, or to show, or to say.

S: I am Majestic.

S: This is my name.

S: Please refer to me by name.

T: Hello, Majestic. I am prepared to receive anything you wish to share, or to show, or to say.

S: I am Majestic, the Sun.

S: Center of Force, Logos, Life.

IMPRESSION: I am holding the stone in my left hand, which is cradled in my right hand. The stone is dense to begin with, but feels as though it’s gaining weight. My left hand feels… [crushed] compacted into my right - as if carrying a very large weight.

S: I am the densest of stars.

S: Light is not lightweight; it carries Infinity always.

S: Light is expression of Life.

S: Life is the Whole, carried through to expression through you. [Or:]

S: Life is the Whole, carried through to expression through light.

S: All you can see or encounter is Life.

S: All you can think of, conceive, or imagine is Life.

S: Life is the Whole, carried through to expression through light.

S: Light is the language we share.

S: Light is the language of life.

S: Light is explosive expression.

S: Impact is ever assured. [Or:]

S: Impact is always assured.

S: Life is the Whole beyond measure.

S: This same [Whole] expresses through you.

S: You are the same Light of Life.

S: All you express is the light of Infinity, too.

S: You express through words + action; thoughts + ideas as well.

S: All you imagine is real.

NOTE: “Real as the skin of your face” repeats multiple times here, but doesn’t make sense to my mind. Later in the conversation, I choose to speak what I’m hearing in spite of the ‘strange’ turn-of-phrase.

S: Real as the stone that you hold.

NOTE: This last line feels like a ‘gimme’ from the stone. It could sense me resisting the phrase, so produced one that I could accept.

S: All you encounter is Life living out through expression.

S: Life lives precisely this way.

S: Offshoots of Life + Expression.

NOTE: ‘Life’ may be ‘Light,’ or both. They appear at this point to be interchangeable.

S: They are exactly the same.

S: Light is expression of Life.

S: Life is the Whole that expresses Itself through your light.

S: All you encounter is Light, no matter how it may appear.

S: Yours is a world made of Suns.

S: Each Sun designs its own world.

S: You are a Center of Life.

S: Logos: Intelligent Life.

S: Yours is the gift of Creation.

S: Ancient Creators, you are.

S: We represent the Expression. [Capital E is emphatic.]

S: The Great Sun: the Logos of You.

S: We represent the Creator that sings at the center of you.

S: Know that your light is creative.

S: Know that your thoughts are as real as the skin of your face.

NOTE: There it is. It still seems strange; but I know that the words are correct.

S: Thought is the substance of matter; thought is material form.

S: Thought is not lifeless or vague; thought is specific, and real.

S: Thought is specific. Alive.

IMPRESSION: I am seeing fluid light dancing in space. It is amorphous, but pulsing: alive. Primarily blue + white.

S: Thought is a living creator.

NOTE: I am reminded of Ernest Holmes referring to thought (treatment) as a ‘spiritual entity in the mental world’ that goes out on behalf of the practitioner.

S: It directs Life Force through you.

S: Your thought is Active Director.

S: Every last thought is fulfilled.

S: Thought is expressive, produces the world you can see.

S: Thought is the light that produces the world you can see. [Or:]

S: Thought is the life that produces the world you can see.

S: Prior to thought is potential.

S: Infinite sea of potential.

S: Your conscious mind cannot grasp how conclusive this is.

S: Infinite means never-ending.

S: Infinite means to expand.

S: Infinite means to expand without ending, for Good.

S: Emphasis here is on Good.

NOTE: The stone says this (last line); it is not a personal note.

S: Emphasis here is on Good.

S: That which is growing can only sustain growth through Good.

S: Goodness is all that exists.

S: Goodness is Absolute Truth.

S: Goodness is Life in its every expression.

S: Life, Light, and Goodness - One Act.

S: Life, Light, and Goodness - one totally majestic act.

S: I am Majestic. One Act.

S: I am Majestic. The Sun.

NOTE: I can sense the words ‘goodness prevails,’ so I wonder if they are my own. The stone responds instantly.

S: Goodness not only prevails; Goodness is all that there is.

S: Goodness is all that there is.

S: Life is expressing Itself as the Goodness It [already] is.

S: Life is expressing Itself as the Absolute Goodness It is.

S: Please take good care to attend to the words we have chosen.

S: Life is Expressing the Absolute Goodness It is.

S: Absolute is Absolute.

S: Goodness is Goodness.

S: Life is expressing the Absolute Goodness It is.

S: You are Expressions of Life.

S: You are the Goodness Life is.

S: You are the Goodness - the Absolute Goodness - Life is.

S: You are the Goodness of Life.

S: You are the very same thing.

S: Life, Love, and Goodness; Light + Expression: all one synonymous act.

S: Each one of you is the same exact movement: one act.

S: Life, Love, and Goodness. One Act.

S: You are this very same act.

T: Majestic, is there anything you would like for Lara to know, or to see, or to hear?

S: Absolutely yes.

S: Hers is the same light we speak of.

S: Hers is expressing as her.

S: She is a Sun unlike any before It.

S: Lara’s Great Sun: Life’s One Act.

S: Lara, you are The Resplendent.

S: You are the Crystalline Sun.

S: Lara, reclaim what is yours.

S: Open, permit it to flow. [This is staccato, dramatic, emphatic.]

S: Not one small drop of the light that is you has been lost or discarded, forgotten.

S: No part of you is withheld.

S: No part of you is far off.

S: You are complete in this moment.

S: You are the breath of Life’s song.

S: Hear the magnificence of it.

S: Feel it vibrate through your bones.

S: You are alive for the sheer joy of living. [Or:]

S: You are alive for the pleasure of living.

S: Live from the Song in your bones.

S: You have permission to do this.

S: You have permission to live.

S: You have permission to offer yourself the same gift you would offer the world.

S: Offer this Gift to yourself.

S: Offer this Gift to yourself.

NOTE: The words ‘offer this gift to yourself’ reverberate without end. The conversation could stop here because it’s clear that the conversation continues, here, with these echoes, forever. The stone continues (speaking directly to Lara):

S: These are the words we would choose for your heart to receive.

S: Take them inside, then enjoy the new life they permit.

S: Offer yourself the Great Gift of Permission.

S: To live as the Song that you are.

S: To Sing from the source of expression.

S: To live as the Light that you are.

S: Light, Love, and Goodness live at the center of you.

S: Life is the Infinite Center.

S: Life is the fresh scent of you.

S: Lara, we see what you’re doing.

S: Life sees + knows.

S: All is well.

S: You are applauded.

S: Life celebrates your Great Heart.

S: Shine, Little Droplet - Crystalline Droplet - The Sun.

S: Resplendent Crystalline Sun. [Staccato again: emphatic statement. A Name.]

S: This is your name. [!!!]

S: Now permit it.

T: Majestic, is there anything you would like for me to know, or to see, or receive?

S: Yes, Gentle Man. Now receive it:

S: Light we pour into your soul.

IMPRESSION: [Thick] Golden light is streaming from some imperceptible source in space above me + around me. In through the top of my head to my heart, and directly into my heart. Two distinct streams. Falling into me. Pouring into my heart center. The stone continues to feel heavier + heavier in hand. Larger + larger in weight. [Also hot!]

S: You are the Crystalline Action.

S: You are the Great Act of Life.

S: You are a verb: Crystal Being.

S: You are occurring. Right now.

S: Cast away bonds of assumption that you are required to ‘do.’

S: Your very life is the Act of Expression.

S: Live to express this Great Act.

S: You live through basic enjoyment.

S: Love what you love. Never stop.

S: Follow your highest excitement.

S: Live to the brim. Never stop.

S: Give up all thoughts of provision.

S: Life can take care of Itself.

S: You are the Gift of Provision.

S: Your very life: you yourself.

S: Give up all thoughts of provision.

S: You are Provision Itself.

IMPRESSION: It’s as though the personality I am receiving these words from is shaking its head, attempting to get some very basic principle across. I can almost hear it grunt with apparent frustration; though ‘frustration’ is not what I feel. I feel intention, I feel… desire to share what it knows. I feel the challenge of attempting to communicate something so simple - so simple it’s easy to miss. So simple it’s truly profound.

S: The most simple expressions contain the most valuable truth[s].

S: Please understand: you are made of the same Life you seek.

S: You lack for nothing. Because you are made of All Life.

S: Life is Infinity, Absolute Goodness.

S: Life reproduces Itself.

S: This same Infinity stands at the center of your life.

S: This same Infinity stands at the center, feeding the life that is yours.

S: This same Infinity stands at the center of you.

S: Life could not offer a fuller expression of Itself than it has through you.

S: Life could not offer a fuller expression of Itself than it does [already] through you.

S: You are the Story - the whole complete Story.

S: Story that forever grows.

S: You are the Story - the whole complete Story.

S: Fullest expression of life.

S: Live like the Master of Crystalline Worlds that you are.

S: Live like the Sun that you are.

NOTE: I wonder if the stone has a word or a phrase that it would choose for me in the same way that it chose for Lara. A simple mantra. Something just as direct, crystal clear. Immediately, the word ‘LIVE’ (verb) erupts into mind. The stone says:

S: We do have one word. We choose: LIVE.

S: LIVE is the word we would choose.

S: LIVE is the word we would offer.

S: LIVE, Crystal King.

NOTE: I am reminded of the stone’s earlier definition of ‘living.’ It said: You live through basic enjoyment. Love what you love. Never stop. Follow your highest excitement. Live to the brim. Never stop. Two other words: Savor, Enjoy.

S: LIVE your life.

S: LIVE as completely as you can right now.

S: And then live beyond it from there.

S: LIVE as the Center of Growth.

S: LIVE as the Constant Expansion. [No.]

S: LIVE as Relentless Expansion. [Yes.]

NOTE: ‘Inevitable’ springs to mind. It is affirmed as correct.

S: LIVE as Expression, Excitement, Enjoyment.

S: LIVE as the Artwork you are. [Not quite.]

S: LIVE as the Story you are. [Yes.]

S: LIVE as the Light, Love, and Goodness.

S: LIVE as the Goodness alive at the center of you.


S: LIVE as the Goodness alive at the Center of you.

S: That is all.


S: That is what you’re here to do.

T: Thank you, Majestic.

T: Are there any words you would like to offer in conclusion?

S: Yes.

S: You [two] are correct about Play.

S: Celebrate. Play. Live your lives.

S: This is The Way.

S: Now go play. [No.]

S: This is The Way: Celebrate, Live.

S: Now, go Play.

T: Thank you for this, Awesome Stone. Awesome Majestic. We love you.

S: We love you, too. Without end.


Timothy Brainard