MAY 22, 2024

NOTE: Begin by calculating Quicksilver, White Hot, Love Seeds, Seeds of Love, Pearl of the Earth, Pearls of the Earth, Shimmering Star(s).

T: Hello, Herkimer Trio. I am so… honored to be here with you now. It brings me to tears of pure joy + amazement, in fact. My heart is softened, and opened, and ready to hear what you have to say, to see what you have to show, to share what you wish to share, to speak what you wish to speak, to receive what you have to offer. My heart is ready, for you. Is there anything you wish for me to see now or to know?

IMPRESSION: Instant impression of a bright, crystal-clear waterfall. The purest water I’ve ever seen. The droplets of water spraying off of the fluid movement of this waterfall shimmer like stars. It is crystal pure. It is bright. Bright as in: clean. Pristine. I get the feeling that if I tasted one drop of this water, I’d never be thirsty again.

S: We are the Shimmering Stars.

S: We are the Light Seeds of Ages.

S: We are the Light Dust of Crystal Clear Knowing.

S: Crystal Creators, your friends.

S: We speak as one, though we are in fact three separate minds.

S: We speak as one since we function as One in your hand.

S: Meet one or all of us any time you feel the call.

S: We share the same voice, as one.

IMPRESSION: Crystal darts. Bullets of light. Lively, pixie-like. Bright like a light; but bright as in happy as well. They feel crystal-clear + entirely happy. Easily happy. Inevitably happy. It feels good to see them; they dance. They are fast.

S: We are fast.

S: We are faster than light - though we shed light. You see the light that we share.

S: We are the Light Seeds of Ages.

S: Ancient Creators, like you.

T: Herkimer Diamonds, is there anything you’d like for Lara to know?

NOTE: The diamonds feel hot in my hand. Not heavy, but hot. And not ‘glowing’ hot, but ‘sharp’ hot - like being poked with heat.

S: Lara is Dazzling Light. [No.]

S: Lara is Dazzling White.

S: Dazzling White Light: the Star.

S: This is her Star year. She must reclaim it as hers.

S: Star is the seed of her dazzling white light bright heart.

S: Sparkle-pure, shimmer-bright light.

S: Words fail to reach to the heights of her crystal-pure nature.

S: Her light exceeds any your heart has known before now.

S: Her light exceeds her own knowing.

S: Though she will know it, and soon.

S: Star is the story of Lara: not only this year, but from the beginning of time.

IMPRESSION: My eyes are closed, and there is a sense of spinning. It feels as if I’m spinning, though I’m seated. And the center of spin is the palm of my hand, where the Herkimers are. I’ve never felt this before.

S: This is the shape of her galaxy spinning in time.

S: This is the way her heart [or light] moves.

S: Fluid + easy; consistent, relaxed; gravity/love, through + through.

S: Lara turns everything sideways.

S: Spins on an axis of truth.

S: Hers is a force that absorbs + produces the truth.

S: Lara’s existence produces a force field of impact.

S: Gravity/love that transforms the whole world by the density of the sheer fact of its being in life.

IMPRESSION: These words are descriptive of something I feel in my body as I’m recording this now. Though sitting upright, with my eyes closed, I still feel the spin in my hand - an orbit around the center of gravity in my hand. And I’d swear I was sitting - or leaning, rather - 45º to the side. I feel like I’m ‘crooked’ - on an axis of spin! I’m surprised I’m not nauseous - but actually, it feels good.

S: Lara’s impact is intended to feel good - it brings only good in its light.

S: Her light is the product of infinite gravity held at the center of her.

S: Black hole by pure definition - everything you have just learned.

S: Lara is filled to the brim - and exploding forever beyond it.

S: Crystal shards, arrows of light: quicksilver droplets, like us.

S: This is why she so adores us: we are a mirror of her.

S: We called her soul to the dust of the earth to encounter the starlight of her.

S: We called her soul to the dust of the earth to discover the starlight alive at the center of her.

S: The starlight she cannot keep quiet.

S: The starlight that pours from her eyes.

S: The starlight that changes each minute her existence touches.

S: The light of the star within her.

S: That which has been called a ‘black hole’ is the heart at the center of her heart - the heart at the center of stars.

S: A star is infinity sharing itself as pure light.

S: Lara shares herself like this: sparkle-bright purity, walking amongst earth + men.

S: Every bright soul is a star of its own, but this star [hers] is a diamond at heart.

S: Dense as a black hole + dark as the night, with strength beyond knowing - her own.

S: Indestructible. Impenetrable. Invulnerable. Unshakable.

S: Clear as the day. Bright + true.

T: Herkimer Diamonds, is there a special message you’d like to offer my Lara on this very special 40th birthday of hers?

S: Yes.

S: Shine like the Tower you are.

S: Shine little Starseed, Magnificent Light.

S: Cast your light into the day.

IMPRESSION: The waterfall, again. The sparkle-droplets, just going everywhere.

S: Water this world with the best of what you’ve come to know.

S: Never hold back. Never stop.

S: You are the sister of angels.

S: You are the Herkimer Star.

S: Use what you’ve learned to remember the Star that you are.

S: Star isn’t showy, assertive, or false.

S: Star is the center of life.

S: Star is inevitable life.

NOTE: It is clear that the stones intend to communicate that Lara has nothing to prove.

S: This is your nature: a picture of you. An image of you. Your own light.

S: Shine as the Lara you have come to be.

S: Never withhold. Never fear.

S: All you desire is already yours.

S: You are the Herkimer Star.

T: Herkimer Diamonds, is there anything you would like for me to know?

IMPRESSION: A King dressed all in white. (I’m reminded of the Ephemere deck.) Robes of fur of some sort. Skin or fur. It’s soft. Fuzzy. He stands: tall + proud. Confident. Strong. Self-assured.

S: Rise, oh King.

S: Rise to the heaven you claim.

S: Rise to the heights of your greatest ideal.

S: Recognize absolute truth. [Demonstrate absolute truth.]

S: You are the Star-King of Ages.

S: Stand beside Lara, your wife.

S: Wife, Queen, and Sister of Angels.

S: Lara, your Bright Other-Half.

S: You serve to guide + protect her; serve with humility now.

S: Dazzling White, each of you in your nature.

S: Shine that white light into life.

NOTE: ‘Shine’ is far too small a word. The impression I’m receiving is a blast. An explosion. Like a dam bursting. It is explosive. I can’t find the word. We can’t find the word. It’s not simply ‘shining,’ it’s exploding. It’s a supernova. It’s a cannon. It’s a blast. It’s intentional. It’s aimed. It’s holistic. It sheds light onto everything in an instant. The stone encourages me to seek out synonyms - to find the right word if I can. [Atomic?]

T: Herkimer Diamonds, is there anything else you might like to share before we conclude for today?

S: Yes. Thank you for taking the time.

S: Thank you for trusting our voice.

S: Thank you for trusting your own voice.

S: Thank you for trusting your wife.

S: We as the Starseeds communicate now on behalf of all stones you encounter.

S: We will continue to speak for as long as you wish to receive.

S: What you are doing has merit.

S: Minimize not what you know.

S: Stand up or stand down: but choose, for the choice is your own.

S: We do enjoy this connection; we speak when you do as well.

S: Lara has found us on purpose; she was found by us on purpose.

S: Tell her the Herkimer Light thanks the Herkimer Light within her.

NOTE: It is clear that the first instance of ‘Herkimer Light’ was referring to Herkimer Diamonds as a collective.

S: She is to us the same treasure that we are to her.

T: Herkimer Diamonds, thank you.


Timothy Brainard