As quickly as the deficit of 8 cards manifested, it resolved. I watched as the Court cards were reconfigured. A Prince replaced the Page of every Suit. His counterpart, the Princess, joined him then. The next (and last) four cards emerged as ‘Angels’ - as exemplars of the essence of the suits. With these new members added, both the tarot + the Angel ‘scrolls’ aligned.
The sound of the alarm gave me permission to share all of this with Lara, which I did. Immediately, we devised a way to test it out. We had a deck of ‘Angel Cards’ which Lara had prepared for us by hand. We laid these out in sequence on a table in our dining room beside a separate deck of tarot cards. (We wrote placeholder cards for each new member.)
We had no way of knowing how to organize the deck beyond the first 22 cards we had been shown. There were no clear instructions as to which card or which suit came after that, nor in what order to proceed from there. So we explored a systematic range of combinations, sensing into correlations as we did.
As you can probably imagine, this took time. There was a proper order, but we had to feel our way to what it was. A major breakthrough came when we discovered that the Court cards were intended to precede the Ace + numbers. And another when the Angel found its place.
Perhaps the most exciting revelation placed the Queen before the King at the beginning of each series, introducing a new ‘feminine-first’ model we encountered once again with Princess/Prince. (This proved to be a major innovation.)
Once this initial sequence was established, we simply had to organize the suits. It wasn’t long before we were completely settled into what we saw: every card had found its proper place.
Later, after a refreshing shower, I revisited the cards in my mind’s eye. Immediately, a commanding voice exploded into my awareness like a thunderclap that I could ‘hear’ through my entire body, like a tremor.
The voice said just four words: “The Codex is locked.” Before I could compose a single skeptical idea, it repeated (just as strongly): “The Codex is locked.”
This was my first transmission from an Angel.
The story continues in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.