This next Angel Session leaves me speechless. While it’s true that every conversation is its own miraculous event, this one absolutely blew my mind. I met with the Angel on a Sunday: June 16 of 2024. This encounter broke the mold of every prior session: drastically expanding my awareness of how Angels can transmit when I tune in.
This Angel offered messages through music, video, and even social media: revealing how amazingly connected every aspect of our life is to the underlying source of Life Itself. It demonstrated to me just how generously Life communicates if only we are willing to receive.
This session elevated more than just the way I listen for the Angels: it transformed the way I choose to meet my life. Everything about this Angel was surprising. Everything it offered, landed: hard. And so it is with genuine amazement that I introduce this Angel to you now.
My friends, enjoy this meeting with the 49th Angel of Resonance: its lessons are your own as much as mine.
A: That which is aligned will always sing.
A: Tuning means aligning with what sings.
A: Each of you is totally equipped to do this.
A: Each of you must learn to do this well.
A: What you love both summons + defines you.
A: Loving what you love aligns your life.
A: When you are Coherent, there is Power.
A: Power is expressed through proper Love.
A: Power stands inert until excited.
A: Love excites the Power within you.
A: Follow High Desire to its ultimate fulfillment:
A: Power building Life by moving you.
In our Crystalline Codex, the Angel of Resonance corresponds to Queen of Diamonds + the Exact Frequency of 71. A Mineral Ally for this Angel has not yet been revealed.
The new home of the 64 Angels is now live! A verbatim record of this conversation can be accessed on our website or downloaded free-of-charge at any time.
Visit any Session page to find the Crystalline Codex + Angel Index: resources we’ve crafted just for you.