Tomorrow will mark exactly two months since I met with the Angel of Truth. This Angel walks the Pathway of Passion to become the Embodiment of Reunion. I remember feeling curious about these words; the Angel must have recognized my unspoken desire to learn more.
In this conversation, the Angel of Truth describes how totally connected each of us is to Deeper Truth; how this Truth can be practically discerned; and how this method of discernment guides us Home.
The Angel also spoke of how the Hero in us all has been invited to emerge - and just what is required to permit it. In one of my personal favorite sections, the Angel said:
Critical self-concepts must be thoroughly released, and then replaced. Smallness must be fully rooted out.
Needless to say, this is yet another session we’ve returned to many many times.
We invite each one of you to benefit from studying it, too.
A: Everything you shrink from shows you that which you are not; everything you favor tells the truth.
A: That which you dislike is meant to show what is not like you; that which you enjoy reveals the truth.
A: What you love most in others is a model of the truth about yourself.
A: Passion focuses + energizes Power: activates this Power towards an end.
A: Passion activates in one direction. Nothing is withheld or portioned off.
A: This is how Reunion is embodied: all of self committed towards an end.
A: Passion is the pathway that permits this.
A: Only Passion finds the way back Home.
In our Crystalline Codex, the Angel of Truth corresponds to Nine of Diamonds + the Exact Frequency of 85. The Angel of Truth has revealed Celestite to be a corresponding Ally.
The new home of the 64 Angels is now live! A verbatim record of this conversation can be accessed on our website or downloaded free-of-charge at any time.
Visit any Session page to find the Crystalline Codex + Angel Index: resources we’ve crafted just for you.