In January 2022, I held my first impromptu ‘conversation’ with a stone. The truth is, I had no idea what might happen if I simply asked a crystal whether it might have a message to convey.  But much to my surprise, when I did that, the crystal spoke! First in brief impressions, then in words. That first day, I met 4 different stones. Each one of them responded in some way.

In the weeks + months that followed, I continued showing up for these encounters as inspired, and the brief communications grew in length. It became apparent very very quickly that the content being offered was profound (and deeply needed), but the process felt too strange for me to share. So I simply kept the transcripts to myself.

One day back in April 2022, my Green Apophyllite said: You have a gift. You may use it. Speak to the stones. May their lessons be yours first. But also a gift to the world. Even then, it never crossed my mind to make the conversations public. I assumed that they were private: just for me.


Fast-forward to 2023. I’ve begun a new life with my Lara and, since we’re both crystal nuts, I share my notes. Instantly, she’s totally absorbed. Without exaggeration, Lara reads the conversations every day.

She sees things I have never seen before. She helps me see them differently as well. She memorizes sections - referring to them every single day. She begs for me to share them with the world.


It took me from September 2023 to May of ’24 to catch the hint: these words were meant to benefit the world. The moment that it clicked, I got to work.

And less than one day later: they were live.


Conversations with Stones is a verbatim log of private conversations held with precious stones from my collection, dating back to 2022.

After 2+ years of keeping these exchanges to myself, it’s time to share their wisdom with the world.

I offer these important transcripts from a place of wonder, absolute humility, and awe.

May they serve your life as well as they’ve served ours.

JUNE 4, 2024

Timothy Brainard