I sometimes imagine what this must look like from outside. So much happening daily - in several directions at once! It was only mid-January that Seer Training emerged. Within one month of that, I’d removed most of my prior (legacy) offers as well.
By the tail end of March, all four Frequency Tables were live. We announced the all-new Crystal Self, Conversations with Stones, 64 Angels, Crystalline Codex, and our Daily Wallpapers - all in the short time since then.
At a glance, it might seem that these offers diverge + lack focus; but we daily marvel at just how coherent they are! Though each brick is distinct from the next, bricks laid well can establish a home.
And the fact is that this is precisely what we have been witnessing here: every offer expanding on what came before; every one amplified by the next.
It is fair to admit that the 64 Angels would never exist if it weren’t for the Conversations with Stones. I would never have met those incredible Stones if it weren’t for Frequency Tables.
Not one Table would ever have been brought to life if it weren’t for my Seer Training; and that Training grew from the principles of TFS!
Every one of these offers was given for me to live first. Every finding led me to the next.
What I mean to express is that what you have witnessed is a living proof of the value these offers contain. The Forgotten Sense started it all; Seer Training perpetuates growth.
Lara chose to join me absolutely; I devoted myself to the genius I valued in her. We have used every asset we offer; you are seeing the product of that.
There’s a line to be drawn between my Seer Training + 64 Angels. (The Angels themselves have affirmed TFS + the Frequency Tables as well.)
Every brick of this groundwork equipped us to steward the Angels; you’ve witnessed us laying the bricks.
We invite each of you to the same Training we have been benefitting so prolifically from every day.
You have ‘bricks’ of your own to discover - new worlds to construct in your way.
To initiate your Seer Training, submit a request at the button included below.