It had been 5+ years of refusing to speak the word ‘Covid’ before I could see that my careful avoidance was rooted not only in good understanding, but also a deep sense of fear + mistaken ideas about Life’s intention toward me.
I was being reminded that Life is exclusively good; that its essence is Goodness; that we’re bound not by words, but by our false beliefs about Life. So I chose for the first time to turn toward the word: I invited the virus to speak.
I was instantly guided to calculate its hidden value, which came out to Master Number 22. This was an exact match to: Joyous, Rich, Union, and Wife.
It was also the number of our Wedding Day: one that Lara + I had selected together, in large part because of those words!
In the decade or so leading up to this point, I had crafted a personal brand that was clean + concise: black-and-white. This was not inauthentic, but it also wasn’t complete.
I was constantly vetting excitement against an aesthetic ideal. I was also withholding expression based on how it might be received.
I confess I had no real idea that this was the case until then. It was time to unfetter my words.
As the floodlights of new understanding switched on, I could feel old agreements release. I would no longer temper the best + most beautiful parts of myself or my world.
I would speak from my heart, that insatiable well of delight; I would celebrate all that I loved.
I would share with conviction the things that I know to be true.
I would sing from the rooftops of life.
The connection to throat, the blue butterfly wings, 22: all the signs had converged on a point. Covid came to help us understand that this life was our own to enjoy.
You have probably witnessed the impact of this realization. You’ve watched my daily stories explode with new color + movement + music + laughter + life.
This is truly what life has become. What you’re seeing is candid + real: our intentional heaven growing more beautiful by the day.
And the truth is: we’re just getting started. There’s much more + it’s happening fast.
I will hold nothing back from now on. I’m committed to letting it show.