In the previous post, I began to share a typical example of how Lara + I used the Frequency Tables during one of our most special days together. We can now pick up again where we left off…


Later that same day, we went on an adventure to a local shop in search of crystals. Much to our surprise, we found a pair of wedding bands instead! The rings were made of interlocking triangles in Turquoise. We knew they were perfect right away. (Later, we discovered there were 16 crystal triangles per ring. The number 16 resonates to Home.)

The elderly cashier prepared a handwritten receipt for our new rings. Unknowingly, he wrote the next day’s date: 9/22. The number 22 was no mistake. It resonates to: Joyous, Rich, and Union. Also: Wife.

Stepping outside, I propose to Lara right away. She accepts + we exchange our rings. When we look at the time, the number 2:22 is shining back at us. We are amazed!


Driving home, we referenced the Stones Table to confirm that Turquoise is a 58. We used that to search the Words Table as well. Celebrating, Reverence, Vitality, and more are perfect matches.

(Hilariously, it will be another several months before we come to find that Brainards is a match to 58 as well!)


Looking back on this important day, it’s easy to connect the magic dots. The many synchronicities were guiding us in just the way they always have + truly always will.

The fact is that we managed to ‘decode’ them based on the same Tables we have shared with you + an authentic willingness to look.

Now that you have access to the Tables, train yourself to recognize the signs.

This may take some practice, but the view is absolutely worth the climb.


For those of you inspired by this story, Seer Training is home base for learning to meet life through ‘magic eyes.’

To learn more, click below or contact me directly any time.

MARCH 31, 2024

Timothy Brainard