When I first encountered Mystical Numerology back in August of 2021, I knew I had discovered something special. Having studied numerology in-depth for upwards of a decade at that point, it was a thrill to find a take on this important subject that felt totally original, absolutely resonant, and new.
It wasn’t long before my other numerology materials were totally replaced by this one book. I devoted myself to the application of its method, and even became friends with its creator (John B. Pehrson) - who remains an inspiration to this day.
John’s groundbreaking work has changed my life. It helped me see the world in all-new ways. It opened me to messages I didn’t even know the Universe was sending until then.
Early in my application of John’s method, I made use of basic spreadsheets to contain the information I was gathering each day. I calculated frequencies of everything I cared the most about: words + names + phrases; animals + minerals; household items, places, food, and more.
This way of meeting life through frequency + number became absolutely prominent for me. My research grew + grew, and hasn’t stopped. The spreadsheets I initiated all that time ago are now a living record of my work.
The Tables have inspired new ideas, helped me navigate significant events, and expanded my awareness of Life’s signs. They have permitted higher vision, and enriched my life in countless special ways.
My wife + I still use these Tables daily; and because of her suggestion, I am proud to share them publicly, with you.
There are a total of four Frequency Tables, including: WORD Frequencies, STONE Frequencies, ANIMAL Frequencies, and TAROT Frequencies.
Each of them is sortable + searchable, and all have now been added to this website - yours to use completely free of charge.