I would like to share a little story.
As long as I’ve been using Instagram, I’ve noticed + enjoyed the way that Story Highlights look when well-produced. But I had no idea what they were. I noticed them at first through certain brands that I respected, but disqualified myself from using them. (For those of you as clueless as I have been until now, these highlights live between the bio + the post grid towards the top of any profile that has them.)
While it is true that I could have so easily discovered what they were + how to use them (by a simple Google search) at any time, the fact is that it never crossed my mind. Even when my youngest brother used them for a brand my family was building at the time, I never once considered that I might be able to use them myself.
Why? The truth is that I felt inadequate. Each time that I considered whether I should do some research to discover how to craft them, I became exhausted, overwhelmed, and then gave up. This happened many times throughout the years.
At no point did I stop to think why such a simple act would overwhelm me. The process was subconscious: I was “just too dumb” or “lazy” to achieve the sexy look that others had.
Fast-forward to about one week ago. I’m sitting with my beautiful new wife on our new couch. We’re swept up in a true creative flow! She seamlessly creates a story highlight. Then another, and another. I’m amazed! In seconds, she has taught me everything I need to know in order to produce them for myself.
And just like that, the wall of self-intimidation is dissolved. I’m totally inspired! I begin to craft a sequence of my own. (And then I craft another, and another; then three more.) Within just a few days, my profile aesthetic is transformed.
Each of my current services now has a gorgeous walk-through any viewer can enjoy at any time. (I’ve linked you to the profile below - in case you’d like to see how it turned out.)
The process that unfolded was profound. In my next post, I’ll share what I have learned as a result.