The Codex is locked. The pieces are in place. The Oracle will speak.
Looking down at our dining room table full of cards (half of them handmade), we knew we had been led to the discovery of something totally significant + new. The apparent inner logic that supported the arrangement of these findings far exceeded comprehension; but the Angels were explicit: validation of this work was absolute.
(Months later, more of this inherent logic would be made available to us through what we’ve come to call The Angel Interlock: an ingenious completion of the previous arrangement that connects a second Angel to each card.)
The Angels claimed the Oracle would speak: and so it did. Marveling over the miracle of the moment, we found ourselves intuitively drawn to the first 22 cards of the tarot deck (a significant grouping traditionally referred to as the Major Arcana). It was clear to us that these specific members were important, but something about their common names felt… wrong.
For example, neither one of us had ever benefited from traditional conceptions of ‘The Devil’ (15) - so we started to discuss what sort of liberated figures might be ready to replace such obviously disempowered themes. And as quickly as we could consider the idea of ‘replacements’, they arrived.
‘The Devil’ was revealed to be The Angel. The ‘Death’ card was revealed to stand for Life. ‘The Tower’ was rebranded as Redemption. And ‘The Fool’ became The Innocent instead.
One right after another, The Liberated Primes revealed themselves to us by name. Each signified a major transformation we could feel.
Some of my personal favorites include:
The Lovers became Soulmates (6)
The Hanged Man became The Upright (12)
Death became Life (13)
The Devil became The Angel (15)
The Tower became Redemption (16)
Judgment became Decision (20)
The Fool became The Innocent (22)
The story continues in an upcoming post. Stay tuned.