During our recent podcast conversation, Jen Ciszewski asked me (based on what I had been sharing), “Should we discard Human Design?” The following is an adaptation of my response. Enjoy!


I want to say, “Just toss it.” But we both know it’s not as cut-and-dry as that. Would I have found my way here if it wasn’t for HD? I don’t imagine we’d be talking if it hadn’t been for that. Human Design was one of the breadcrumbs that led me to this moment here with you.

Life speaks to us like this, through ‘little breadcrumbs.’ Our job is to notice + to trust them when they land. You know the feeling of the breadcrumb because everything inside of you lights up - you feel the tug. There is a magnetism, an excitement, whole-self buzz.

Each of us must ultimately learn to recognize that feeling as the leading, guidance, calling of our souls. And we must have the courage to allow it - even if it doesn’t (yet) make sense.


If you feel yourself opening toward something in this way, say yes no matter where that calling leads. If everything inside of you is lighting up because of this BodyGraph that you have just discovered: that’s a sign. Follow the breadcrumb.

Even if Timothy’s over here saying, “Ehhh, it’s probably just going to distract you” - trust the breadcrumb. Let it distract you! Allow it to reveal things you have never seen! Let it crack you open to new light.

If this is what is happening for you, it won’t be long before you find yourself far off the beaten path - you’ll be surprised. You’ll find yourself on an adventure.

You’ll find yourself expanded in the end.


A comprehensive index + direct links to the episode can be accessed here at any time:

JUNE 27, 2023

Timothy Brainard