We are ‘acoustic beings’ (a Human Design term I have always loved!). We literally vibrate in response to every little detail of our lives. That natural response feels good or it feels bad, depending on the value of whatever we’re relating to right then.
This is a fundamental fact of human being: we are in-tune with certain things, and we are not in-tune with certain others.
We know when we're in-tune because we feel it when we are. When we’re in-tune, the blossoming we feel is sensory awareness of Life's YES resounding confidently, loudly from our soul.
When we are not in-tune, we feel that, too. It causes something deep within our beings to contract (you feel the cringe). We recognize the dissonance of NO.
When we are not in-tune, we have one simple job to do, which is: "tune up." We turn from what is dissonant + sense toward what initiates our song.
I’m speaking in acoustic terms because I totally believe this to be true. This is not poetic license, it’s a fundamental human fact. We function as acoustic beings.
Functionally speaking, we are instruments - fine instruments - demanding proper tuning if we are to join the Symphony of Life.
The truth is that a song is always humming into life from every single one of us (as long as you’re alive, this is a fact).
The question is (in any given moment): will your song be beautiful, or not?
The beautiful song resonates with Life. It adds a special texture to the Greater Song of all Life - a texture that can only sing through you.
The beautiful song elevates, expands. It is your place, your Harmony - supported by the Chorus as a whole.
All of Life awaits the sound of You. That song comes to life when you’re in tune.
The Forgotten Sense trains you how to tune the instrument of You. If it is your time to sing, start here.