The Forgotten Sense teaches us a system of orientation I call Wayfinding. The more I utilize this practice, the simpler it gets. The simpler it gets, the brighter + more spacious life becomes.

In Wayfinding, Red equates to any form of ‘feeling bad,’ while Green equates to the heart-opened sense of ‘feeling good.’ We utilize these signals to direct us from one moment to the next.

These days, when someone hits me with the predictable zinger about how “life isn’t black + white,” I cannot help but to respond to them by saying, “No, it’s Red or Green.”

We are perpetually either facing Truth or interacting with a lie (misunderstanding). During a recent podcast conversation, I said this:

We’re dealing with a binary reality here: Red or Green. If you’re looking in one direction + it’s hurting you, look in the other direction to find truth. It’s that simple.

And it really really is. We’ve been given everything we need to find our way back Home to Truth in every case.


Nothing could be more important than developing the skill of sensing toward the Truth. This is why Wayfinding is the sole remaining practice I employ.

All other personal intentions stem from this. Which is why I speak of it + teach it with such vigor.

It’s a fundamental human skill I want for every one of us to know.

Including you.

MAY 30, 2023

Timothy Brainard