When I first discovered the Mineral Allies, I had no way of knowing what it might become in the end. The concept of frequency pairing made sense as a theory, but to what extent would it prove to be true, and how could it be put to use?
At the time, I had no intention of offering this as a service; my interest was purely internal (and totally personal, too - confirming a lifelong attraction to stones).
As has often been the case, this groundbreaking offer began as a private pursuit.
Exploring my Mineral Allies proved far more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. The process for learning through them very quickly revealed itself, too: becoming the new practice of Crystal Contemplation.
Crystal Contemplation invites us to meet any subject from multiple views - as though it were a complex gem where each angle delivers a new perspective on the whole.
This method can take us as far as we’re willing to go: delivering on the creative intent to explore.
Because all of this is quite new, I’ve thought to provide an example of what it has looked like for me, based on one of my closest allies. (Remember that this is just my own example; your way will take on a whole life of its own if allowed.)
I’ll show you how Emerald offered itself as a teacher: not only revealing its value to me as a physical aid + companion, but also providing a whole constellation of insights regarding who I am at my best as well.
It is worth noting that various aspects of my own example have been derived from a more comprehensive exploration (Crystal Self), exceeding the scope of a typical MA Blueprint.
Emerald is a Number Match to my Major Attainment + Exact Frequency Match to my Activated Crystal (a special position unique to the Crystal Self journey).
I want you to see just how deep this can go if allowed. The Mineral Allies Blueprint is unlimited in its potential to teach, offer aid, and inspire. As we explore Emerald here, be aware that this ally is just one of dozens that I have learned through in this way. It stands among hundreds of others revealed in my MA Blueprint.
Far more important than the quantity of connections your Personal Blueprint presents is the depth of support within each. Every last match is its own special call to adventure - each stone a window, kaleidoscope, gateway exposing new vistas of you.
The Blueprint itself is a storehouse of fresh invitations (a lifetime of them, if you choose). The following offers a glimpse into what I’ve uncovered since choosing to learn through just one.

The Book of Stones is almost always where I will begin - especially in those cases where I have not yet encountered a personal match in the flesh. I first discovered Emerald here before I ever found one to hold. These were its primary lessons.
Of all the gemstones, Emerald represents the purest emanation of the activated heart chakra’s Green Ray. It connects us to the center of the heart, inviting us to live + act from generosity, compassion, openness, and love. It also connects us to the wisdom of the heart, establishing a filter against messages + stories that do not align.
Emerald is famously considered to be a Stone of Prosperity, attuning personal vibrations to the spectrum of abundance + amplifying the magnetic impact of the heart’s sincere intent.
Emerald is also considered to be a Stone of Great Courage, teaching us to live with heart-wide-open to the world in spite of fear.
Emerald is a Stone of Love that brings the energy of hope, gentleness, encouragement, and even material wealth.
Emerald teaches us to trust in true abundance + a Plan that far exceeds our conscious grasp.
It was remarkably easy to think of myself in these terms: to recognize how my own path has forever been the Path of Heart; how my impact is both ensured + increased by surrender to a Greater Plan; how openness, love, and integrity grow in the soil of courage.

Though I have studied + owned many books on the subject of crystals, many strike me as redundant. This book, however, stands out. Crystal Co-creators offers practical insights that I’ve not found anywhere else. Here’s some of what it revealed.
Emerald is a stone of support + nourishment, working to release resistance, restore awareness of personal potential, and establish confidence in creative abilities.
Gem quality (clear) specimens are more powerful in their ability to channel the light of abundance. This light is stored in our bodies, our lives, and the earth.
Emerald connects us to the Divine essence of self, revealing inherent potential while inviting us to step into the role of abundant creators in life.
Emerald strengthens alignment, transforms stuck energy, activates flow, and helps us to integrate growth.
Emerald is a symbol of royalty, triumph, and faith that stimulates movement + balance + calm.
Emerald cares a great deal about bringing good to its bearer (shattering when it cannot).
Emerald stimulates eloquence, persuasiveness, patience, insight, and self-truth.
I see myself in this, too: the nourishing, supportive presence; the channel of light + reminder of what is most true; the wholehearted bringer of good, transformation, and growth; the fortifier of alignment + eloquent speaker of truth.
I feel the presence of royalty, triumph, and faith in my posture; balance + calm in my feet; creative power in every thought, word, and deed.

John Pehrson’s Mystical Numerology is the system I use to prepare every Personal Blueprint. Though the standard Blueprint gets right to the point of which stones match each of your positions (without getting into the technical work that supports them), there’s much to be gained from a deeper dive into the numbers.
This more comprehensive encounter is found in the Crystal Self journey, where personal numbers provide added layers of insight. Emerald matches the frequency of number 9, which we can explore to achieve even more potent findings.
Other words that resonate at this same frequency are: Builder, Foundation, Earth, Heart, Destiny, Story, Music, Artistic, Human, Feeler, Feminine, Giver, Gratitude, Grounded, Sensitivity, Elegance, and Precision.
This number represents a creative fusion of light, earth, and the human heart. In fact, the higher energies of light are brought into form by means of the open heart. This is the work of a Foundation Builder.
People expressing this frequency tend to have a powerful sense of destiny - that magnetic pull toward the accomplishment of some higher purpose that lends strength + confidence in life.
This is a notoriously prosperous frequency, exhibiting a mindset that inherently attracts abundance, wealth, good fortune, and apparent “luck.”
This frequency can be innovative: capable of bringing fresh ideas into form. It is musical + artistic; creative, and yet practical as well.
This is the True Leader: open-hearted, empathetic caretaker of others with courageous sensitivity to feeling.
This frequency governs the cycle of giving + receiving, both of which are needed to serve life.
This person is generous; has a strong sense of integrity; is optimistic, tolerant, and grateful.
I can feel myself in all of this, too - like a comfortable, obvious fit. It’s also thrilling to notice how flawlessly these themes confirm what we’ve already met in the stone.

Though this book employs more traditional methods than John Pehrson’s groundbreaking system, it is the creative utility of it that I find especially useful. Numerology and the Divine Triangle correlates frequencies to each card of the tarot deck, delivering a synthesis of perspective unlike any I have seen before.
The 78 descriptions are crafted meticulously, remaining favorites in my world. They also allow us to deepen our investigation. Since Emerald technically vibrates at 36/9, we can now use both numbers (36 + 9) to shine a light on yet more themes.
Determination, perseverance, and dependability are repeated themes. One sentence in particular provides the perfect summary for me: Your strength is expressed in kindness. Here again we find the Innovative Leader navigating life from the soft, open center of the heart.
This person is “born for service to others.” This inherent purpose translates as a lifelong thirst for spiritual learning, inspiration, and persistent growth. Inner work produces outer opportunities to exemplify a beautiful ideal in spite of challenge.
Emotions and feelings could evolve a new philosophy for humanity. This is literally + precisely what has happened in my own experience, emerging after many years as The Forgotten Sense (of which emotions are the central theme).
This person must become a beacon to uplift + beautify the world. Wisdom gained is wisdom to be shared, since knowledge stored is ultimately emptied of its meaning.
This image of a quiet leader, so totally focused on pouring soft light into the many corners of life is one I choose to occupy daily. This isn’t an abstract connection; it characterizes the man I aspire to be.

As we have seen, the Hermit is connected to the frequency of 9. This image of the Hermit is my all-time favorite illustration from my all-time favorite deck, the TRUE BLACK Tarot. The reading for this card is sparing, yet profound; I find myself returning to it often.
The Hermit is caught mid-turn as he comes to set his gaze upon his visitor. Why have we come to find him, wandering through the dark and the wild?
He has willingly set himself apart from the world, seeking knowledge and truths that are more apparent when removed from civilization than when obscured by it. Gathering all he knows, he is also one who would teach it, given the proper audience.
His robes are simple and torn, a marked departure from concerns of the physical realm, though close to his heart is a glowing pendant, a symbol of the value of things that are within us rather than without. A starburst frames his figure, and a window of faint twinkling lights opens up behind him.
The Hermit finds an abundance of knowledge that we have overlooked, a world hidden in plain sight.
Here we meet possibly the most compelling feature of this frequency, which is its perpetual drive to inhabit a world overlooked by most others - to mine from the depths of that world universal truths that can be shared.
Here is intrinsic devotion to a world of meaning beneath + before what we see. This same devotion expands within me, represented by a gentle glow near my heart: an Emerald friend, wreathed in gold.
All that we have just discovered to be true of Emerald is also true about me. It is a spotlight + mirror. Since this stone serves as an ally in very specific positions, I know it’s showing the highest self I can attain to (Major Attainment) - who I am at my very best (Activated Crystal).
I know as well that, beyond the perspective it offers, Emerald freely inspires the very themes it represents - calling them up into everyday life from the radiant depths of my soul. In this way, its role as ally enables my role as a man.
Because of this contemplation, I can connect all the dots we’ve uncovered to draft a new sense of myself. Here’s an example of how I have summarized that:
My life is rich. I offer myself in creative service to all that proceeds from the heart.
I invite you to use your Blueprint in the same way.
Select an ally from any position you wish.
See what it has to show you.