Yesterday, I hosted my first presentation of The Forgotten Sense, Level II. This was an enormously monumental occasion for me. From the beginning, I have known that Level II would be “home base” for application of the TFS material: it reveals the most important information I could possibly be sharing with the world.

Around the turn of this New Year, I recognized the calling to develop this next level. “It was time,” and I could feel the subtle pressure of that calling in my bones. But “time” began to pass by days + weeks, and then by months.

Every time I’d turn toward Level II, I’d feel that “pressure,” and yet it was coupled with a lack of readiness in me. My impatient mind was quick to make up stories about that:

“This is important, what’s the hold-up?” “Keynote is intimidating to me.” “I’m not a designer, so designing presentations is a challenge.” And so on.

I knew by my own application of the TFS material to wait: to wait until “the lights inside were green.” (I knew to wait until I was inspired.)

I knew that I could “force myself” to “finish what I’d started,” but I didn’t. I chose instead to wait + trust the timing.

I chose to lean into that part of me that “always knows” + “somehow magically” arises “when it’s time.”

And so I waited (and I waded) through the stories, the self-judgment, and the ache of passing days.

I waited in that void of trust for nearly 7 months…


The perpetual assumption within me throughout this process was that “at some point” I’d lock into that flow that always has allowed for masterful production of true value. I knew I only had to wait for the authentic impulse to arise.

I “knew” that, when the time came, life would move me to “complete the heavy lift.” (That’s what I kept calling it, because I felt intimidated by the thought of building Keynote presentations.)

What I did not (even once) consider was that the whole process could be fun. But then it happened, all at once, and in a way my worry-brain had never had the wisdom to imagine.

One day just last week, I opened Keynote. I was only “planning” to “check in.” Less than two days later, Level II was ready to present: completed in its full + final form.

Not only had this work “produced itself,” but it was not a “heavy lift” for me at all; the process that unfolded was inspired, pure enjoyment - I had fun.

Beyond even that: I had applied the very principles communicated by this presentation to produce it.

(It produced itself through my awareness + my willingness to trust.)

Now it stands as its own living proof.


I am genuinely humbled (and excited!) to extend this invitation to you now: if you have completed Level I, the next step has officially arrived.

Click below to book your presentation.

JUNE 28, 2022

Timothy Brainard